Leeb0rn - Novinky | Bandzone.cz

Leeb0rn alternative / Olomouc

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Out of Key
    Reach One's Destination
  • Mist
    Reach One's Destination
  • Dilemma
    Reach One's Destination
  • Unseeing and Unseeable
    Reach One's Destination
  • The Road Divides Here
    Reach One's Destination
  • In The Lee
    Reach One's Destination
  • Dogs On The Moon (close-to-live session)
    The Pulley System
  • Second Body
    The Pulley System
  • Rat Racing
    The Pulley System
  • The Roaming Mind
    The Pulley System
  • Hypnotize The Sun
    The Pulley System


(Upraveno: )

Omniscient nenajdete na albu Hauau, ale možná ji najdete na nějakém dalším albu... Takhle jsme ji zahráli v Jeseníku před půl rokem.

"You are free, you have all the knowledge on how to be happy..."