Lenka Dusilová - Videa | Bandzone.cz

Lenka Dusilová alternative-folk / Karlovy Vary

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Vlčí oči
    Mezi světy
  • Nebe
    Spatřit světlo světa
  • Luny pat
    Eternal Seekers
  • Spirály
    Eternal Seekers
  • Mezi světy
    Mezi světy
  • Baromantická
  • Valerie
  • Smiluje
  • Ptáci
  • Moje milá má všechny přednosti vody
  • Království zvyku

Lenka Dusilová & Baromantika - Baromantická

Oficiální videoklip Vznik: 1.2.2012
New music video by Bet Orten and Tomas Zilvar
Produced by VICE

Camera Operator: Marek Schnierer
Steadycam: Mark Rimmer (www.markrimmer.com)
D.O.P.: Bet Orten
Production: Pavel Čejka
Camera Assistant: Štěpán Svoboda
Edit: Tomas Zilvar and Filip Malásek
Color Grading: www.magiclab.cz
Make-up: Eva Svobodova
Stylist: Martina Jerolýmová
Hair: Kateřina Peklová
Location: Café Sladkovský (www.cafesladkovsky.cz)
Special thanks: Vratislav Brabenec


In my weak moments
I feel grace
walking through my past
I feel warmth
in soft hands
turning inside myself
Tu du tu du ...The old cry
That night aches
And they weakly walk away

And through the thin walls
of soft cloth
The past is wandering

There is more than you think
in those weak moments
The wind starts to blow
Whipping up leaves
purifying everything
Whipping up leaves
purifying everything

Dark shadows stretch out in moonlight
the leaves rise up
the wind rattles the windowpane
I wait with a sense of foreboding
Will it all die with them?