Play Connect 4 game online for free with family
The connect 4 Classic game is the popular strategy game for kids and adults in which 2 players go head-to-head in a battle to own the grid! Players choose red or gold discs. Then they drop the discs into the grid, starting in the middle or at the edge to stack their colored discs upward, horizontally, or diagonally.
Use strategy to block opponents while competing to be the first player to get 4 in a row to win. Looking for fun travel games or some classic games for kids?
The Connect 4 game is a great choice for a playdate, a rainy day activity, or any time your kids want a fun game to play with a friend. 2-player board games like Connect 4 are great indoor games for kids. Childrens board games make excellent kids gifts for 6 year old boys and girls and up.
4 Consecutive Strategies:
Think A Few Moves Before
Blocking the Opponent's Move
Don't Forget the Diagonal
Don't rush.
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