Morhörr je Bratislavská kapela, ktorej začiatky sa datujú do roku 2016. Tvorba kapely je ovplyvnená viacerými štýlmi s majoritným vplyvom Thrash, black a death metalu.
Zaciatky kapely sa datuju do Novembra roku 2016, kedy sa na troskach Doktor Duides zrodila myslienka na zalozenie novej kapely. Dvaja clenovia tohto spolku, Flavio a Pista sa pomaly zacali obzerat po dalsich pripadnych clenoch. Hned na to sa k nim pridava Ivo, ktory hned zapadol a s pomocou Zdenka za bicimi sa pomaly zacali formovat zaklady sucasneho Morhorr-u.
Pocas Marca roku 2017 sa ku kapele pridava na post gitaristu Daniel, s ktorym sa zacina pracovat na novych skladbach. Po case Zdenka za bicimi nahradza Marek, cim sa zostava kompletuje a na cas aj stabilizuje. Prvy koncert Morhorr odohra 11.11.2017 v Bratislavskom British-i.
Rok 2018 sa nesie v znameni neustaleho skusana a obcasneho koncertovania. Ale ako to uz byva dochadza aj k dalsej personalnej zmene. V Novembri 2018 strieda Daniela na poste gitaristu Jozef.
Rok 2019 prinasa zopar koncertov aj mimo nasej domovskej sceny. Kde na koncertoch v Kosiciach, Ruzomberku a Martine nadalej pilujeme nasu live prezentaciu. Koniec roka 2019 vsak prinasa dalsiu necakanu zmenu v zostave, kedy po dlhej dobe odchadza bubenik Marek, ktoreho v Januari 2020 nahradza Milan.
Rok 2020 sa mimo siriaceho sa Corona virusu zapisal do nasich zivotov dalsou zmenou, a to personalnou, kedy kapelu opusta gitarista Jozef. April roku 2020 ale prinasa aj jednu velmi pozitivnu udalost, kedy 11.Aprila.2020 vypustame do sveta nase debutove EP s nazvom Pach Krvi.
V Auguste 2020 dochádza k ďalším personálnym zmenám. Kde Milan opúšťa kapelu a zároveň naše rady posilňuje na pozícii gitaristu Tadeáš (Theo). Rok poznačený pandémiou prináša pre kapelu len malé možnosti živého vystupovania, no napriek tomu sa kapele podarilo vystúpiť v Bratislavskom Randal clube a na garážach pod prístavným mostom.
5. Juna 2021 vypustame do sveta singel s nazvom Uchyl Song. Nase rady po rokoch opusta Ivo a jeho miesto na poste bassgitaristky zaujima Lenka Kubova. V tomto roku nase rady opusta aj gitarista Tadeas.
Rok 2022 zaciname koncertom v bratislavskom Kulturaku, kde nam na pozicii zaskakujuceho bubenika vypomaha nas byvaly clen Marek. V Maji tohto roku sa nase dlhe cakanie konecne skoncilo a na post bubenika nastupuje Ondrej. Kapela sa venuje intenzivnemu skusaniu a tiez nahravaniu prveho regulerneho albumu.
Zaciatkom Septembra 2022 sa k nam pridava na post gitaristu Matej.
Rok 2023, už ako býva zvykom prináša v našich radoch ďalšiu zmenu. Na poste bassgitaristu strieda Lenku Matej „Maťo“ Donoval.
7.4.2023 Vychádza náš debutový album Danse Macabre. Rovnako sa nám podarí si zahrať po boku kapely Gutalax v Žiline na akcii Blasphemy vol.3. Prvý krát zažije kapela aj zahraničný koncert v Slovinksu. K titulnej skladbe z Albumu Danse Macabre zverejňujeme aj náš prvý oficiálny videoklip.
V septembri Mateja Donovala strieda Matej Cesko.
English Version:
The band's beginnings date back to November 2016, when, on ruins of Doctor Duides, the idea of founding a new band was born. The two members of this fellowship, Flavio and Pista, started looking for other potential members. In that moment, a new member, Ivo, joined the band, who immediately fell into the band and with a little help from Zdenko behind the drums, the foundations of the Morhorr has slowly began to form.
During March of 2017 a new member, Daniel, joined the band as a guitarist. Together we started to work on new tracks. After some time, Zdenko was replaced by Marek behind the drums, which completed the band and stabilized it for some time. The first Morhorr’s concert took place on 11.11.2017 in Bratislava’s British.
The year of 2018 was in a name of constant rehearsing and occasional concerts. But as it happens, here comes another personal change. In November of 2018, Daniel was replaced by guitarist Jozef.
The year of 2019 brought a few concerts also outside our home scene. We continued to practice our live presentation at concerts in Kosice, Ruzomberok and Martin. However, the end of year 2019 brought another unexpected change in the group. After a long time, the drummer, Marek, left the band and in January 2020 was replaced by Milan.
The year of 2020, besides the spreading of Corona virus, enrolled into our lives with another change, specifically personal, when guitarist Jozef left the band. However, April of 2020 also brought a very positive event, 11th of April 2020 was released our debut EP called "Pach Krvi - Smell of Blood".
In August 2020 the drummer, Milan, is leaving the band and Tadeas (Theo) has joined the band as guitarist. This year is marked by the pandemic, so there were just few opportunities for live concerts. Despite that fact, the band took part on 2 live performances, in Bratislava’s Randal club and at “garaze pod pristavnym mostom”.
At 5th June
2021 was released new single called Uchyl Song. After long time our long time member Ivo was decided to leave the band. His place was taken by Lenka. In 2021 also Tadeas
leave our band.
The Year of 2022 was started by concert in Kulturak, where our ex-drummer Marek help us with gig. In May we finnaly find the right person for drum possition, so Ondrej join to band. Band starts hardly working in rehearsal and also works on first Morhorr album.
At beginning of September 2022 Matej was joined to our band as guitarist
The year 2023, brings another change in our band. Matej "Maťo" Donoval replaced Lenka as bass guitarist.
7.4.2023 Our debut album Danse Macabre was released. We also played with the band Gutalax in Žilina at the event called Blasphemy vol.3. For the first time, the band was experienced a foreign concert in Slovenia. We also published our first official music video for the title track from the Danse Macabre Album.
In September, Matej Donoval was replaced by Matej Cesko.