Necrolust - 2005 - Present
- Guitar, Bass, Vocals
Damianangel - 2009 - 2010, 2011 - Present
- Guitar
Ghoul - 2009 - Present
- Drums
Morbid - 2009 - 2010
- Bass
Nerghal(Nihil Nix) - 2008 - 2009
- (Session) Bass
Funebris - 2006 - 2008
- Drums
Warlock - 2008
- Guitar
Putredo - 2007
- Bass
Nocturnal - 2005 - 2006
- Guitar
Mor - 2005 - 2006
- Guitar
Igor - 2005
- Guitar, Bass
Hniloba zvaná Necrofuneral sa zrodila v jednu neskorú jesennú noc v roku 2005. Zakladajúci členovia Necrolust (vocals) a Nocturnal (guitar) rozpútali éru hnilobnej hordy. O niečo neskôr k nim zavítali aj ďalšie duše posadnute black metalom. Ich mena boli Igor (bass, guitar) a Mor (guitar). Hneď po ich príchode Nocturnal kapelu dočasne opúšťa kôli osobným problémom.V už spomínanom roku kapela Necrofuneral - Necrolust, Mor, Igor nahráva svoje prvé mini demo s názvom Humans Getting Lost in Flames of Hellish Plague. Demo obsahuje jednu skladbu. V roku 2006 do kapely prichádza ďalšia hnila duša Funebris (drums). V zostave začínajú nezhody a Igor kapelu opúšťa. Na miesto jeho nastupuje opäť staronový člen Nocturnal. V tomto roku začína skúšanie nových skladieb. Ešte v tom istom období odchádza aj Mor a naplno sa venuje svojej druhej kapele. V ich hudbe stále chýbala basa a tak si ju osvojil spevák Necrolust. V polovici roku 2006 Necrofuneral nahráva ďalšie mini demo Rotting Nuns s totálnym hnilobným zvukom , tak ako si kapela predstavovala. Po vypočutí tohto dema behá mráz po chrbte... Tento počin ukrýva v sebe to čo kapela najviac pociťuje. Hneď po vydaní dema kapelu opúšťa ďalší člen a je ním Nocturnal. Zostavu tvorili len Necrolust a Funebris. Aj napriek tomu sa kapela nevzdáva a pokračuje ďalej v šírení tejto hniloby. Necrolust pre zmenu odkladá bass gitaru a do rúk berie gitaru... Koncom roku 2006 nahráva ďalšie mini demo s niekoľkými skladbami s názvom Fucking Rehearsal.... Zrodil sa rok 2007. Kapelu obohatil novy basak Putredo. Kapela konečne mohla pokračovať v plnej zostave. No v tom začali problémy so skúšobňou. Museli sa odsťahovať a v tom istom roku kapela musela na dobu neurčitú ukončiť svoju činnosť. Na konci tohto skurveneho veku sa este dostava na svet dalsie raritne demo s nazvom Fuck You...Jesus Christ... Skoro rok o nich nikto nepočul... Počiatkom roku 2008 nastal prelom ...kedy sa to stalo. Necrofuneral vyšiel zo svojich útrob a začína šíriť svoj pach hnilôb - rozkladajúcich sa mŕtvol. Znova nastali v kapele zmeny. Okrem Necrolusta (Guitar, vocals), Funebris (Drums) prichádza Warlock (Guitar). Aj napriek mizerným podmienkam kapela začína skúšať svoj nový materiál. V tom istom roku kapela začína koncertovať a ako výpomoc na koncerty prichádza basak Nerghal.....
V tomto istom roku (2008) kapela vydáva ďalšie demo nahrane z koncertu, ktoré obsahuje 5 pesničiek. Aj napriek nečistému až niekedy nezrozumiteľnému zvuku na tomto CD nosiči sa tato nahrávka dostáva do podvedomia verejnosti. Je to totiž posledný záznam v tomto roku z koncertu tejto hnilej hordy. Po niekoľkých mesiacoch pôsobenia v zostave Warlock (Guitar) odchádza. Po jeho odchode vychádza ďalšie demo EP s názvom Thorn Of Doom na ktorom sa nachádzajú terajšie a aj staršie skladby. Ako vždy aj tentoraz nastali problémy so skúšobňou a znovu nastalo obdobie ticha, kedy nik a nikto o Necrofuneral nepočul.... Píše sa rok 2009. Necrolust (Vocals, Guitar) znovu prichádza na scénu. Z pôvodnej zostavy ostáva Necrolust a Nerghal, ktorý vypomáha na koncertoch. Ďalším novým členom sa stáva Damienangel (Guitar)-(Demonoid Virtue), taktiež ako výpomoc na vystúpenia. Funebris kôli pracovným príležitostiam sa kapele nemohol venovať, pretože bol odcestovaný do zahraničia. A preto sa Necrolust púšťa do programovania bicích nástrojov, takže kapela nemá živého bicmana. Hneď po začatí skúšania sa dostáva na svetlo sveta demo EP Rotting Nuns remaster starších veci + nejaké bonusy. Ďalším členom ktorý kapelu opúšťa je Nerghal...
English Version
Decay called Necrofuneral was formed in one late autumn evening in 2005. Founding members – Necrolust (vocals) and Nocturnal started an era of this putrid horde. Some time later, new souls possessed
by black metal joined the band. Their names were Igor (bass, guitar) and Mor (guitar). Immediately after their arrival Nocturnal left the band due to personal problems. The same year Necrofuneral – Necrolust, Igor and Mor recorded first mini demo called –
„Humans getting lost in flames of hellish plague“. There was only one song on this demo. In 2006 new rotting soul Funebris (drums) joined the band. However there were some disagreements between the members and Igor left the group. He was replaced by
Nocturnal who played with Necrofuneral in 2005. Rehearsing of new songs started. Mor also left and started to devote to his second band. There was still need for bass guitar player so vocalist Necrolust took care of that by playing bass line himself. In
second half of 2006 Necrofuneral recorded new mini demo called – „Rotting Nuns“. This demo had strong and rotting sound just like the band imagined. This demo represented real and true “black“ feeling. After the record Nocturnal again left the band.
Necrofuneral consisted of Necrolust and Funebris. However they didn’t give up and kept on spreading this “rot“. Necrolust put away the bass guitar and he started to play guitar. At the end of 2006 third demo was recorded. Demo consisted of a few tracks
and was entitled – „Fucking Rehearsal“. As the year 2007 started new bass guitar player Putredo joined the band. Necrofuneral was complete but there were some difficulties with the rehearsal room. They had to move to another but there wasn’t any. So
Necrofuneral was forced to end with rehearsals...In the end of this fucking era, another rare demo came to an existence, titled "Fuck you...Jesus Christ". Almost one year of this silence passed and in 2008 there was a break through. Necrofuneral rose from
the dungeons and started to spread the stench of decay – of rotting corpses. There were again some changes in the setup. Necrolust (guitar, vocals) Funebris (drums) and new member Warlock (guitar). That year the band started to perform live and as a help
bass guitar player Nerghal joined them...
In the same year (2008) band published their fourth demo recorded from a live performance. Demo contained five tracks and despite the filthy or incomprehensible sound of the CD the record got the attention of the public. It was the last record of
“rotting“Necrofuneral in 2008. After few months Warlock (guitar) left and Necrofuneral Published demo EP called – “Thorn of Doom“ that contained new and old songs also. Again there were difficulties with the rehearsal room and the period of silence
returned... It is year 2009 and Necrolust (vocals, guitar) is again on the scene. From the former SETUP only Necrolust and Nerghal stayed. New member was Damianangel – guitarist from the Demonoid Virtue. He was also playing live performances. Funebris
couldn’t play because he was abroad. So Necrolust started to program the drums, so Necrofuneral didn’t have drummer. Immediately after the start of rehearsing a new demo EP called “Rotting Nuns“was recorded, which contained remastered older tracks and
some bonuses. After a while Nerghal left the band...
Short period passed and new bass guitar player Morbid came on the scene. After his arrival the band started to prepare their strongly anticipated material called – “Church in Flames“one of their most sovereign materials of their career... They also
started to spread the stench of rotting corpses by the live performances and also Necrofuneral started to prepare for the first video for the song Church in Flames
HAIL !!!