In these days, I finally started the process of the recording of musical material from the years 2010-2012 + two old original songs:
01. Sunrise 02. Rainy Dreams Are Gone When You Came 03. First Last Scoliosis 04. Nicotine 05. Eternal Ethereal Gaze 06. Third Wind (Wind III)
"Sunrise" is the original song from 1996, "Rainy Dreams Are Gone When You Came" from 2002. Last song is a continuation of the song "Wind" as "Third Wind (Wind III)" with a length of about 20 to 30
minutes. Together about 70 minutes of musical materials.
In addition, still I finishing up the song "Heart/Depart" for the split album with the project WOUNDS, so I hope that Bartek will
have still interest :)
V týchto dňoch som začal konečne spracovávať nahratý hudobný materiál z rokov 2010-2012 + dve staré pôvodné skladby:
01. Sunrise 02. Rainy Dreams Are Gone When You Came 03. First Last Scoliosis 04. Nicotine 05. Eternal Ethereal Gaze 06. Third Wind (Wind III)
"Sunrise je pôvodná skladba z roku 1996 a "Rainy Dreams Are Gone When You Came" z roku 2002. Posledná skladba je pokračovanie skladby "Wind" ako "Third Wind (Wind III)" s dĺžkou asi 20 - 30 minút.
Spolu asi 70 minút hudobného materiálu.
Popritom ešte dokončujem skladbu "Heart/Depart" pre split album s projektom WOUNDS, teda dúfam, že Bartek bude mať ešte záujem