the novinka
Je nám cťou privítať v našej obli-rodine nového člena Eugena Ryabchenka, ktorého môžete poznať z kapiel Castrum, Locracy, Afgrund, Angerseed, alebo z jeho bubeníckeho YT kanálu (ak nie, rýchlo to napravte!) . Aby sa predišlo rôznym špekuláciám,
Barbie neopustil kapelu, len mu rôzne okolnosti nedovolia hrať naživo počas tohto roku.
It's a big honour for us, that we can present you a new member of our obli-family Eugene Ryabchenko. You maybe know him from his bands Castrum, Locracy, Afgrund, Angerseed, or from his YT channel full of drum videos (if you dont, definitely check
it!). To avoid any speculations, Barbie is still in the band, he's just not able to play live with us during this year..