Ondřej Klímek - Silence After Dark
Oficiální videoklip
Vznik: 28.5.2017
Written by Ondřej Klímek.It’s been hours since twilight. Night. Late. But you don’t want to sleep. Silence. You have a head full of thoughts you’re trying to sort out. Racing. You wonder whether to remain silent or scream...
Please accept this invitation to listen to the song SILENCE AFTER DARK.
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Web http://www.ondrejklimek.cz
Saxophone - Ondřej Klímek
Vibraphone - František Krtička
Video by Mahdies.com - Jakub Mahdies Mahdal & Josefína Bielková
Engineered and Mixed by Pavel Bohatý
Recorded at SONO Studios, Czech republic, 22/2/2017