The next album will be called "Under the protection of the pagan god"
Hi friends...
so I am about the new album ...
the name is translated from the German "Under the protection of the pagan god" and it's a conceptual thing, dealing with Nordic mythology.
More precisely, an amazing book trilogy "Vikings" who just read.
I can say that it will be a lot of changes both in music and in the lyrics of course ...
This does not mean that it will be folk metal, no, it will be a black metal music and lyrics in German again.
I'll try to make your way as always ... I think the book set to music is a good idea ... It's the best book I've read, who read, can not know ... I would like to try new things put into the music more keys, and try at least a little bit one track
normally "sing" even though I'm not at all ....
Will it sound like a battle cry.... and I would try to Norwegian ...
And this theme, it really ancient pagan religion of interest to both Nordic (though not much), but also Slavonic, Celtic, etc., it is very instructive theme that is endless ... And, as always, "the old faith" destroyed the coming of the Christian bastards
with faith "in the White Christ", so they once again setting aside a few words .... Vikings were at that time very good sailors, merchants, explorers, for the former world but they were as dangerous pirates and "barbarians from the north."
But then the Norse word "Vikingr" expression of a man who sailed to sea
gain riches, wealth, honor and glory when they return home for their actions ...
It is a shame that a lot of people wearing "proud" of his neck symbols "old faith" Thor's hammer, Mjöllnir, Runic, without knowing what it actually wear, they have it because it's good or it's modern ... I have a lot sam such people know ... I hope it
will be the best thing I've done (which is said about every new thing), so hopefully, but I'll try .... Hail ODIN !!!!