Persona Grata - FOREVERMORE (Demo recording session)
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Vznik: 1.6.2013
"Forevermore" - Demo recording sessionWe invited our dear friends, Verdza and Roman, to film us in our rehearsal room while we were demoing a brand new song for our upcoming album and this is the result! :) What you hear are the actual outtakes and "some" overdubs (long live the 24-tracked vocals!). It's titled FOREVERMORE and it's a "lovesong about neurons and the universe" :) It's still "work in progress".
I would fly across the ocean, through the skies,
then fly higher, so much higher to get lost in those emerald eyes.
This is real, this is here and this is now,
come and join me, take my hand and fly my rocket to the stars.
We'll be the first space-travelers from earth,
leaving our galaxy behind.
I am a billion shining lights, electric fires,
burning, flowing in my mind.
I am no more than just a slave to my desires,
Starlight, you're the reason why.
All those years I was searching for a muse,
for a meaning to it all, a special answer I could use.
I'm alive! I was made to be the star-light that guides you through the wastness,
you will see me from afar!
We'll be the first space-travelers from earth,
leaving our galaxy behind.
I am a billion tiny lights, electrified,
burning, flowing in my mind.
I am no more than just a slave by design,
Starlight, you're the reason why.
I'm just a slave to my desires.
I'm just a slave to my desires.
Chasing away my desires to burn,