Perverse Blessing - Novinky |

Perverse Blessing death-thrash / Hollabrunn

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0:00 / 0:00
  • Hřích (Demo verze 2017 bez basy)

New song "Victim of your beastliness"

dalsi song tentokrat o masove vrazedkyni Olze Hepnarove jejiz duch me inspiroval k tehle krasne pisnicce :-) ....upozornuji ze nove songy jeste neprosly finalnim zpracovanim zvuku!to delam az jsou vsechny skladby hotove...

First song with live drums/Prvni skladba s zivima bicima

(Upraveno: )

Tak sem vyzkousel jaky to bude s zivyma bicima no a zvuk je sice o neco horsi,pac bici sou nahrany pouze pres mikrofon na zpev,a skoro 6 let sem nehral...nicmene Perverse Blessing je uderground takze je to jedno,narez je to myslim docela v pohode takze si muzete poslechnout a popripade zanechat nazor.Jinak song a cely album bude na tema islamu a cernyho odpadu proudiciho do Evropy,a politice a texty i hudba budou poradnej rachot rekneme Deathmetalcore....


Perverse Blessing is a one-man project of playing in the spirit of old school death metal of the 90s thrash metal with influences from the '80s.
The project is founded in 2010 and currently has two albums and two demos.
Texts are against politics, religion, fanaticism, about mass murderers, war,
destruction of nature, and today's fucking time ...I am currently working on a third album titled "The Cult of hatred toward human society" and will be finished next year ...

VÖLKERMORD DER ANTIGOTT : Guitars,bass,drum programming,growl & scream,lyrics