Read or Die - O kapele |

Read or Die hardcore-punk / Šternberk

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Ignorance
    Punxberk Compilation
  • Many Ways
    Punxberk Compilation
  • Rage of Hell
    Punxberk Compilation
  • Canned Hunting
    Punxberk Compilation

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Dodatečné info


sestava 2020

KOBE - basa / zpěv

GAZDA - kytara / zpěv

ŠUBIK - kytara / zpěv

GRAČIN - bicí

Bio a historie


Many wouldn't profit by his abdication
many enrich themselves by means of his rules
they are his court and in his name
perpetuate their power defraud and govern

Their weapons are keen honed
and they use them with skill
when their interests are threatened
they don't hesitate to kill

They'll press the battle upon the world
and the violence which follows in massmord
they fear of inside stories or of people asking why 
ignorance is king -  read or die

Many Ways

You don't need muscles
you don't can fight
there's always way
find your right

You can fight by music
you can fight by art
destroy nazi content
so let's start

Find your way - how to clean your city
find your way - kick them from streets
find your way - repaint their graffity
don't tolerate it - it's water on their mill

Rage of Hell

The land it's bloodthirstiness still hasn't been satisfied
Where fire and sulfur drop down from a sky
Bombs set in debris ruins human lives
The world silently watches and closing eyes

Battle between superpowers
has trapped people in their game
who must face desperate struggles
to escape from where hell rages

Human lives are indifferent to bombs and bullets
But weapons industries are still filling their wallets
Refugees driven by grief looking for safety for their children
Choice of life and death - leave or stay hidden

Canned Hunting

Born in captivity , grew up in a cage
Cuddled from nativity till reach adult age

Sold to be hunted no chance for escape
Covardly killed in confined space

Killing for trophy , killing for fun
Why dont you try it without the gun
Why dont you try it without the bow
You deserves be shooted by your own arrow