Road Side Mary - O kapele |

Road Side Mary indie / Praha

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Jesus Stands By Me
  • Dialogue

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Členové Road Side Mary:

Martin Ouzký - zpěv, kytara

Jirka Zima - baskytara, vocals

Martin Všechovský - bicí



Jiří Zima  tel.: (+420) 722 920 481



Bio a historie


Jesus Stands By Me

Verse 1

When I feel and touch my soul,

barry it down beneath the ground

I feel, jesus stands by me

when my dear my mind escapes

into the space in hyperspace

I feel, jesus stands by me


I feel it comes to me, this is this is shine

this is when the saints come down on earth

we celebrate, this is this sign

I took too much today...

Verse 2

When I feel and touch my soul,

barry it down beneath the ground

I feel, jesus stands by me

you gotta get me out, you gotta listen up

won't let you bring me down, it's gonna fill me up

I rail againts my soul remains

arrange the sales but no-one cares

jesus stands by me

Chorus 2x


Intermezzo 2x

Everybody looks at me, I said you look at me

everybody looks at me, I said you stare at me

everybody looks at me, I said don't mess with me

everybody looks at me, I said you look at me

we are praying right now...




Verse 1

Looking at the wall, I was laying in my bed recently

crying my heart out, love´s fading

looking at the wall and I was scared, just to make you happy

my sight is still, was I right or was I wrong

well it was wrong thats all that I can say

just to make you happy, all right my girl


Why should I explain, explain explain

stop whispering my name, your name your name

I dont think it is my fault, your fault your fault

just in case you havent heard, havent heard havent heard

Verse 2

Tried to fall in love we stayed unpaired, just to make you happy

tears like pearls, was I right or was I wrong

sure it´s sad my hair has turned in gray

tried to make you happy, alright my girl



Verse III

Still cannot control, my brain my soul my heart are burning

surely there´s no doubt, love´s fading

