Rudá Lůza - O kapele |

Rudá Lůza folk / Jihlava

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • svoboda
  • sebeklam
  • freegan(lomeno)ka
  • Nechceme
  • No Pasaran
  • Tisíce Životů
  • Apatie
  • Lůza
  • Revoluční
  • Birkenau
  • Rovnost
  • Rudá
  • Rodinný Teror
  • Squatuj, chceš-li

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 Riot ! Folk





Police song (Policejní)

For every drop of activist blood bleeded in fight for freedom

Let flow the river of blood of cop which defend the system by tonfa without consideration


So many life were spoiled with bless of government

So many people were cruelly beaten in name of law and order

So many comrades were arrested for trying to live without fear

And so many cops were rewarded for loyality to authority oppression


For every drop of anarchist blood which fight for his/her ideals

Let flow the river of blood of cop which defend the oppression of government


Remember the victims of police repression

Remember Carlo Gulianni and his destiny

Remember and don’t yield to apathy and depression

Remember and his murderers condemn without no compromise


Revolt (Povstaň)

At the first time-when you creep out of mothers womb,

When you wake up from never ending darkness

You are only crap, slave, shadow and you must listening and respect strange dreams

Dreams of twisted elite which control humanity by whip

Which drag the human flock into the war by false desire of peace

Which all the time fog the true in media for harden the authority

So for those daily flew out our blood


So revolt, throw away the comfort which system give you instead of freedom

Revolt, don’t be indifferent to suffering of innocents, which system cause

Revolt and destroy the system which shut up and slave up your comrades

So revolt, or you already give up your innocence at altar of authority?


Revolution song (Revoluční)

Freedom desire is the point which doesn’t let us to give up in the hard struggle

The vision of change is that what doesn’t let the least compromises with freedom

Our trust in anarchy is that what doesn’t let us agree with outlaw and repression

For that must the red/black revolution win-now or later


Long live social revolution

Long live social anarchy


Don’t fall in apathy when your effort looks like vain

If we didn’t taste the sweet fruit from revolution tree, our descendants do

They’ll build together free society without tyranny of master

And that’s no mere vision, but real future


Now there’s a big responsibility on our chest to don’t give up and stay with little

I know that sometimes it’s very hard-our adversary is giant

This class system is just fueled by timid, obedient and dull flock

Which one day realize that anarchy gives the option to be their own master of luck


And then our victory will be untouchable and all the ones, whoever were sacrifice for that will raise from dust and dance together with us on remains of this rotten society, which will fall in past forever.



Life wander in fallen time and finding the way to redeem

So many shouts full of pain sounds for not getting forgotten

Destiny which was cruelly ended remember the monstrosity of final solution

So many victims of deadly fury were ask us for repress the fascism

Destroy all whom are powered by cruelty

Destroy all whom are laughing to pain

Destroy all whom are full of anger

Destroy the monsters which are called nazi skins!


Thanks (Děkuji)

Whether you are in black or under the flag with ox-eye daisy ,

I thank you because you’re not turning back, and you’re running for vision of freedom

Whether with stone in hand or with “V” finger position,

I thank you, that you get out of row, to fight with odds

I thank you for your civil disobedience

I thank you for your difficult choose


Red (Rudá)

Communism is the concept which now cause bad feeling above the people

People's making up the mind about fear, trials, tyranny, dictatorship of one party and social apathy

So, stop the authoritarian socialism

let prosper social anarchy

So, stop the authoritarian socialism

let prosper libertarian communism

Stop KSM! (Communist youth party-Stalinistic party in Czech)

But that's not communism in real sense

It's only false label which comes from Bolshevik mouth!


No Pasaran!

I would like to live in time, where violence will be only nightmare, or horrible memory.

But till the fascistic lot will spread the fear, it's violence condition for free living.

So, make up your mind, do the step which have no way back,

stop inactively look on repression, stand face up to the opposition of nazis.

Well, people are dying on the streets, don't wait, raise your fists.

Don't be careless about nazi demonstrations, don't let them any place! No pasaran!

Stand up against fascism, as well as your ability and your heart allows it

Fight with this virus and suppose that fear get away

Together we can drown those brown ship of hate

It suffices unite our resistance and victory will be ours.

Against fascism and social inequality with hollow heart.



If you want to hit global economy

give up to shopping and check the ashbins

Its filled by fastidious people, hitted by fashion tendency

And there's a lot of things waiting for us!

Check the ashbins

it will be fun

it's also part of revolution

so check the ashbins..

If you don't like policy of multinational corporations

lets stop supporting them by your role of circulation of finances

throw away your shyness, speak to some mates and coordinate waste brigade

and suppose that you will soon find some advanced containers.


Proletariat (Lůza)

They are everywhere, you meeting them every day on every step

sensible and empathic people, which cry on every serial story

but if you speak about globalization or starving in Africa

they scream on you with coca-cola in their hands: “I like it, I don't want to hear it!”

Who is silent to evil, become the evil.

They live of one's accord in lie and ignorancePolice song (Policejní)

For every drop of activist blood bleeded in fight for freedom

Let flow the river of blood of cop which defend the system by tonfa without consideration


So many life were spoiled with bless of government

So many people were cruelly beaten in name of law and order

So many comrades were arrested for trying to live without fear

And so many cops were rewarded for loyality to authority oppression


For every drop of anarchist blood which fight for his/her ideals

Let flow the river of blood of cop which defend the oppression of government


Remember the victims of police repression

Remember Carlo Gulianni and his destiny

Remember and don’t yield to apathy and depression

Remember and his murderers condemn without no compromise


Revolt (Povstaň)

At the first time-when you creep out of mothers womb,

When you wake up from never ending darkness

You are only crap, slave, shadow and you must listening and respect strange dreams

Dreams of twisted elite which control humanity by whip

Which drag the human flock into the war by false desire of peace

Which all the time fog the true in media for harden the authority

So for those daily flew out our blood


So revolt, throw away the comfort which system give you instead of freedom

Revolt, don’t be indifferent to suffering of innocents, which system cause

Revolt and destroy the system which shut up and slave up your comrades

So revolt, or you already give up your innocence at altar of authority?


Revolution song (Revoluční)

Freedom desire is the point which doesn’t let us to give up in the hard struggle

The vision of change is that what doesn’t let the least compromises with freedom

Our trust in anarchy is that what doesn’t let us agree with outlaw and repression

For that must the red/black revolution win-now or later


Long live social revolution

Long live social anarchy


Don’t fall in apathy when your effort looks like vain

If we didn’t taste the sweet fruit from revolution tree, our descendants do

They’ll build together free society without tyranny of master

And that’s no mere vision, but real future


Now there’s a big responsibility on our chest to don’t give up and stay with little

I know that sometimes it’s very hard-our adversary is giant

This class system is just fueled by timid, obedient and dull flock

Which one day realize that anarchy gives the option to be their own master of luck


And then our victory will be untouchable and all the ones, whoever were sacrifice for that will raise from dust and dance together with us on remains of this rotten society, which will fall in past forever.



Life wander in fallen time and finding the way to redeem

So many shouts full of pain sounds for not getting forgotten

Destiny which was cruelly ended remember the monstrosity of final solution

So many victims of deadly fury were ask us for repress the fascism

Destroy all whom are powered by cruelty

Destroy all whom are laughing to pain

Destroy all whom are full of anger

Destroy the monsters which are called nazi skins!


Thanks (Děkuji)

Whether you are in black or under the flag with ox-eye daisy ,

I thank you because you’re not turning back, and you’re running for vision of freedom

Whether with stone in hand or with “V” finger position,

I thank you, that you get out of row, to fight with odds

I thank you for your civil disobedience

I thank you for your difficult choose


Red (Rudá)

Communism is the concept which now cause bad feeling above the people

People's making up the mind about fear, trials, tyranny, dictatorship of one party and social apathy

So, stop the authoritarian socialism

let prosper social anarchy

So, stop the authoritarian socialism

let prosper libertarian communism

Stop KSM! (Communist youth party-Stalinistic party in Czech)

But that's not communism in real sense

It's only false label which comes from Bolshevik mouth!


No Pasaran!

I would like to live in time, where violence will be only nightmare, or horrible memory.

But till the fascistic lot will spread the fear, it's violence condition for free living.

So, make up your mind, do the step which have no way back,

stop inactively look on repression, stand face up to the opposition of nazis.

Well, people are dying on the streets, don't wait, raise your fists.

Don't be careless about nazi demonstrations, don't let them any place! No pasaran!

Stand up against fascism, as well as your ability and your heart allows it

Fight with this virus and suppose that fear get away

Together we can drown those brown ship of hate

It suffices unite our resistance and victory will be ours.

Against fascism and social inequality with hollow heart.



If you want to hit global economy

give up to shopping and check the ashbins

Its filled by fastidious people, hitted by fashion tendency

And there's a lot of things waiting for us!

Check the ashbins

it will be fun

it's also part of revolution

so check the ashbins..

If you don't like policy of multinational corporations

lets stop supporting them by your role of circulation of finances

throw away your shyness, speak to some mates and coordinate waste brigade

and suppose that you will soon find some advanced containers.


Proletariat (Lůza)

They are everywhere, you meeting them every day on every step

sensible and empathic people, which cry on every serial story

but if you speak about globalization or starving in Africa

For they living in illusion of morality

They optionally put their lives into the hands of establishment

For avoiding the responsibility of their mistakes.

Ignorance like shotproof alibi

comfortable – reason for blindness

non criticism – way how to find absolute truth

non politicalism - style which don't overset the fun.

Sleeping mob, proletariat, which just want to have their place behind feed-trough

Take a care about themselves and to have full stomach.

That apathy and nihilism bury their creativity and potential

their lack of interest and conformity flush on our solidarity

Who is silent to evil, become the evil.

Bio a historie





osten zpravodaj

Knihovna fanzinů, knih a hudby (fanzine, book, music library)



!!!UŽITEČNÉ ODKAZY!!!: (some usuable weblinks!!!): - československá anarchistická federace (czechoslovak anarchist federation) - priama akcia Slovensko (slovakian AIT-IWA) - Anarchistický černý kříž CZ (CZ anarchist black cross) - KPK kolektivně proti kapitálu (anticapital org) - svoboda místo strachu (freedom not fear-czech) - knihovna fanzinů,knih a hudby (fanzine, book, music library) - zničme bariéry crew Orlová (DIY collective) - A-punk Praha (distro, gigs) - antifašistická akce (czech antifascist action) - stop Thor Steinar!! (campaign against nazi business) - - práva zvířat (animal rights) - Otevři Oči - práva zvířat (animal rights) - DIY cestovatelský průvodce (DIY travelling guide) - IdeoZločin (distribuce CrimethInc.-DIY návody) (CrimethInc.) - anarchofeminismus (anarchofeminism) - squat Milada v Praze (Prague squat Milada) - FREEGAN! žijeme z odpadků (Freegan - we live from the trash) - DIY manuál (DIY manual) - veganská kuchařka + další (vegan cookbook and others)