Score in Sight - O kapele |

Score in Sight rock-progressive / Valašské Meziříčí

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • You Are My Everything (Big Changes 2012)
  • Big Changes (Big Changes 2012)
  • Fateful Bridge (Big Changes 2012)
  • Awakening College (Big Changes 2012)
  • Muse Inspection (Big Changes 2012)
  • The Sense Of Time (Big Changes 2012)
  • Let´s Make It Real (Big Changes 2012)
  • No Pain No Gain (Big Changes 2012)
  • Score In Sight (Big Changes 2012)

Členové skupiny

Nástrojové obsazení: Kytara
Nástrojové obsazení: Kytara, Zpěv

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Dodatečné info

Score in Sight je kapela hrající moderní rockovou hudbu okořeněnou i o prvky jiných stylových žánrů. Jako svůj hometown považují město Valašské Meziříčí.  Jejich tvorba je založena na melodických kytarových riffech podpořených šlapavou rytmickou sekcí, vše doplněno o zpěvové linky šířící své sdělení prostřednictvím anglicky psaných textů.

Hraje ve složení:

Jan Gerža - kytara/zpěv

Jaroslav Londa - kytara/vokály

Petr Schonweitz - bicí

Radek Bureš - baskytara/vokály

Bio a historie

Score in Sight je čtyřčlenná kapela z Moravy považující za svůj hometown Valašské Meziříčí.

Od doby jejího založení – duben 2011,  prošla poměrně značným vývojem spojeným zejména se změnami  hudebního stylu. Mimo jiné došlo také k personální výměně na postu baskytaristy. Kapela v aktuální sestavě odehrála několik koncertů v okolí Valašska, aby v druhé polovině roku 2012 začala s nahráváním svého hudebního materiálu ve studiu. Připravovaná deska nese název „Big Changes“, obsahuje celkem 9 autorských tracků a ten, kdo znal Score in Sight dříve asi pochopí, proč kapela pro své debutové album zvolila právě tento název.

Děkujeme všem za podporu

Enjoy our music  



Lyrics etc...

You´re my everything

Thinking about you and me

That´s my sense of being here

Trust me I´m not lying to you

You´re my everything what shall I do


To you understood it all well

To start to love me again


I know now there is a big distance

It won´t be easy to ignore that

But I believe that hope dies last

You´re my rain in times of droughts


So please don´t forget me

Please let the love do great things


Day or night there are our guides

That can help us to recognize

What is right and what is wrong

And I feel you´re my life


Close your eyes and feel the air

Bringing us a new chance for joy

My heart is yours and will be forever

Hope we´ll be together again


Big Changes

Tell me what is right

Should I sleep in the night?

Should I think of dreams?

When they dissapear

Should I feel more pain

When I lose my brain?

And why your heart is stained?


When you sense

Such a feeling

That indicates

There´s big change


Everything´ ll be upside down

You will see

It´s becoming true

Already now

Moon shines through day and sun at night

Don´t resist that at all

It´s normal process


Show me what you hate

What do you despise mate

Why are you so afraid

Of the past

Of the future

Live just what is now

Don´t care when and how

You´ll come to your town


Where lights

Never go out

People lose

Their all doubts



Everything´ ll be upside down

You will see

It´s becoming true

Already now

Moon shines through day and sun at night

Don´t resist that at all

It´s normal process




You´re shaking my hand and I cannot hold it tight

I´m confused and don´t know what to do

When your troubles are such hide and seek

Well it´s hard to find them and believe

That I´m skilled enough to help you


But you are hearing, feeling,

Strong heartbeat in my chest

Hoping, trusting

That I´m the right for your weakness

Waiting, breathing

For as long as possible, I know

Now or never

I must try to save you


There are thousands of points and no help in sight

So where shall I ask for advice

Unsettled with your fight at all feeling sorry for your pain and more

Than ever I must try to save you




Strong heartbeat in my chest



Strong heartbeat in my chest


You´re beautiful, but so sad

You´re beautiful, but so sad

You´re beautiful, but so sad

You´re beautiful, but so sad


hearing, feeling

Strong heartbeat in my chest

Hoping, trusting

I´m the right for your weakness

Waiting, breathing

For as long as possible, I know

Now or never

I must try to save you


Your heart is bleeding, but you have no doubts

That I´m the right for you

That´s the feeling that can bring you joy

Your heart is bleeding, but you have no doubts

That I´m the right for you

That´s the feeling that can bring you joy


In times of sorrow

In times of sorrow


Awakening College


I´m just looking through the window and thinking about nothing

My mind is out of world and the world is out of my mind

Time is passing by slowly and my eyelids are drooping

The only rhytm is that my heart is still beating


Space (Space) is waiting for you and gives you

A lot of ways (Ways) how you can spend your time you fool



It´s not a curse to stay listening

Forever learn I´m not dreaming

To be a man who´ll be living

His life like the best best best best best way in the whole world


I´m just walking through the streets and thinking about living

Now I can see all the great things and enjoy every feeling

It has started to rain and it feels like divine healing

World is a colourful place I´m just glad I´m still gratefully believing


Space (Space) is waiting for you and gives you

A lot of ways (Ways) how you can spend your time you fool



 Endless space are motorways

Of our daysThey are not fake


Grass is swaying

Wind is picking up fast

Sky is darkening

A storm is coming now


 Can´t we see the scales

Weighting every word

Our romances

Are like loadstones

Most of them will bring you

What you attract

Can´t we see the choice

Choice of every curse

It all happens every second

But it´s our life that we can live and control


 Sky is breathing

Wind is calming ground

Pain is leaving

Peace fills the mind


Intense faith

 Like a cage

Protects our fates

That are not fake


 Can´t we see the scales

Weighting every word

Our romances

Are like loadstones

Most of them will bring you

What you attract

Can´t we see the choice

Choice of every curse

It all happens every second

But it´s our life that we can live and control



 Nights without dreams

That´s the stuff I was used to

Just like that was everything

And I couldn´t escape from this world

I wanted to do something great

But instead of laughing around me

I just heard confused whispering

And I wasn´t, wasn´t wondering yeah



 Please forgive me

But I had to do it

Now I know that it wasn´t right

I miss you so much

And feel that you miss me too

So thank you for your grace


 Then came the space of time

And I needed to change my future

Things seemed to be more than far

But had a better feature

This moment was magical

And I knew that it won´t be clearer

For me it was more than miracle

And I´m glad I could be nearer


 Please forgive me

But I had to do it

Now I know that it wasn´t right

I miss you so much

And feel that you miss me too

So thank you for another chance


 First time spent with you all again

Was just great and we enjoyed that

Finally I saw your smiles and gain

And wished it never ends yeah

We all make up something strange

And it´s called Extravaganza

No people it´s not a game

But it would be the sense of time


 Please forgive me

But I had to tell you

And I hope that you will not mind

It´s nothing more than

The expression

Of my feelings hidden in my soul

Of my feelings hidden in my soul

Of my feelings hidden in my soul


The sense of time


Let´s make it real

Why don´t we wanna be the same

Are you asking why

We don´t suffer from the pain

Try to open your eyes

Let the worries fly

Over your mind


Troubles are like infection

That breaks out in our souls

It´s up to us if we will fight

Or let the issue go

We´re responsible for that

No one else will come

Let´s try to do our best

Then it all will turn around


When you understand the message well

You´ll see the deeper sense

And feel the power of your friends

Then turn up the radio and dance

Celebrate the chance

That is here for every man


No pain no gain

Dreams come true

From time to time

When there happen lots

Of incredible things

Need for faith

In secret wish

Can´t be weak

To be answered


One day maybe someday

We will grasp

At least one way of our journey

´ll be at last


Honoured by us

Protected for most

Of the stars

Gems in our hearts

These will be marked

as our guards

Patrolling our souls

They´ll achieve all our goals

For sure

But remember

No pain no gain


Dreams come true

When time is right

When there happen lots

Of unbelievable things

Need for faith

In deep down wish

Must be strong

To be answered


One day maybe someday

We will help

To each other to our mother

Would be forever


Honoured by us

Protected for most

Of the stars

Gems in our hearts

These will be marked

as our guards

Patrolling our souls

They´ll achieve all our goals

For sure

But remember

No pain no gain


Remember no pain no gain


Score in Sight

 Hey, what´s wrong with world?

Days are getting much darker

It´s not just my point of view

Maybe times are changing to be brighter


What we must do for our successors

What should we leave here for them?


Let´s take a look and stay here for a while

´cause it´s high time

There´s lots of signs

No fear, no excuses

Let´s figure it out

 don´t let it go


That´s for everyone

This is not just fun

Message in the sky

Must be read in time

Before it´s too late

Make no more mistakes

So it´s up to us

 Will we act or pass

Such an important chance

It could be our dance

Of our victory

Or one nice story

Try to do our best

 that´s the way to success


Let´s take a look and stay here for a while

´cause it´s high time

There´s lots of signs

No fear, no excuses

Let´s figure it out

 don´t let it go


Hey, do we already know

What we should do for successors?

it won´t be easy to say

But we´ll see there´s no other way


All is lost when we stop to fight

Then the score starts to be in sight


Let´s take a look and stay here for a while

´cause it´s high time

There´s lots of signs

No fear, no excuses

Let´s figure it out

 don´t let it go