Secondhand daylight - Úvod |

Secondhand daylight psychedelic-garage / Praha

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Remade
    Secondhand daylight EP
  • Static Collision
    Secondhand daylight EP
  • Unrequited
    Secondhand daylight EP
  • Made By Machines
    Secondhand daylight EP
  • Devices&Schemes
    Secondhand daylight EP
  • Let Down
    Secondhand daylight EP
  • Kosmische energien
    The Kosmische Energien EP
  • Leeds '89
    The Hanging Castle EP
  • Lights Left On
    The Hanging Castle EP
  • Stranded
    The Hanging Castle EP


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L'intra-muros Nivelles /BELGIE/

Koncert v Belgii se nám povedl, a dost jsme si kapelní trip užili! Nivelles Belgium...doing a gig...with our reputation?

Thanks to Leo our wonderful host in Genappe - we stayed near Waterloo - and Bruno Scokaert for organising the gig and being a wonderful friend managing the sound, projections, food and money etc.

Looking forward to playing Nivelles again in the future!

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Poslední názory

Secondhand daylight

"I'm glad i had a chance to see your band, you guys f*cking rock! ...Go on, I'm sure you'll get big." - Zdenek Maly (Zkouska siren). "True legends." - Filip Trojan (The Polymorphs). "I was really impressed by Matthew's stuff, {you} need an e.p. out soon" - Robin Smith (Sounds of Occupation).

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