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SeeMore alternative-grunge / Košice

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  • Sweet Regards
  • Funk In The Garden Of Eden

SeeMore - A Dystopic Romance (Official Music Video)

Oficiální videoklip Vznik: 14.8.2024

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The spring is here, frankly
Start the thing up, loudly
The noise its making, a fury
Pack the last things, a set off
Your smile dives me into the ghetto
Sit, sit down and here we go

Flying like an angel, then she said something like I wasn’t ready
If it was only you, than I would go away in tears
Crawling like a demon, that's what you make me when you deny
If I were you, I would apologize and make me happy

This is not what I
Expected from you
I wanted peace and prosperity
instead we have this kind
A thing called dystopia
Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, and get in m’lady

Flying like an angel, then she said something like I wasn’t ready
If it was only you, than I would go away in tears
Crawling like a demon, that's what you make me when you deny
If I were you, I would apologize and make me happy

Flying like an angel, then she said something like I wasn’t ready
If it was only you, than I would go away in tears
Crawling like a demon, that's what you make me when you deny
If I were you, I would apologize and make me happy

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