Shattered Mind - Guitar Playthrough (The Devils Reflection)
Vznik: 3.11.2020
This is the guitar playthrough of our 4th song from the EP - Living In The Past (2020) Available on every streaming platform!by Michal Csanyi
The song is in D# harmonic minor and the guitar is tuned to drop A#
Special guest Chris Clancy (Mutiny Within, Wearing Scars, Kill The Lights (bass)
Song was mixed and mastered by Simone Pietroforte at Divergent Studios
The whole EP (except A Day To Remember) was recorded with this Ibanez RG321EX guitar. It has a dimarzio D activator in the bridge and a Liquifire in the neck. Also it has all sorts of mods and replaced hardware.
Living in the past (EP 2020)
Metal Core Band from Bratislava / Slovakia
01 - A Day To Remember
02 - Expectations
03 - Farewell
04 - The Devil's Reflection (feat. Chris Clancy) / Mutiny Within / Wearing Scars/ Kill The Lights
For Fans who also like: As I Lay Dying - Killswitch Engage - Machine Head - Architects - In Flames - Gojira - Deftones - Wearing Scars - Scar Symmetry - Soilwork - Andy James - Five Finger Death Punch - Shadow Of Intent - Eye Of The Enemy - Any Given Day - Parkway Drive - Kill The Lights - Nevermore and many More...
Our next EP - Dying In The Future coming in 2021 so Subscribe or follow us on Facebook or Instagram.
Shattered Mind
Divergent Studios
Chris Clancy
Michal Csanyi
#shatteredmind #livinginthepast #slovakmetal #divergentstudios #dimarzio #ibanezguitars #ibanez #RG321 #diablochairs #guitarplaythrough #expectations #farewell #thedevilsreflection #adaytoremember #melodicdeathmetal #metalcore #metalcore2020