Stoker - In The Company Of Wolves
Vznik: 27.10.2021
Stoker – In The Company Of WolvesTaken from Stoker’s „The Hunger“ EP, out October 31st, 2021.
She walks in shadow through the trees
Her howling friends around her
Their glaring eyes piercing the dark
with hunger and devotion
Tonight she's straying from the path
She can no longer resist
the urge awakening inside
A stirring beneath her
Sweet red riding hood
In the company of wolves
Sinful rendezvous
in the darkness of the woods
If they only knew..
No longer fearful of the dark
The child who would be mistress
Eager to shed her innocence
She lays down upon her
Sweet red riding hood
In the company of wolves
Sinful rendezvous
in the darkness of the woods
If they only knew..
Howling at the moon
In the company of wolves
Blood red riding hood
They are lost and so are you
Darling is it true
What you do out in the woods
Who you do it to