Nový single je venku!
Skladba Dimension Change je volně k poslechu!
Between the walls
standing in the shadow
mankind who betrayed my soul.
Groaning nations
trapped in the flames of alienation .
Smash the lies and throw them away
judge all these crooked bitches.
Move the boundaries of reality
dimension change comes now.
We are fighting for a better tomorrow,
because the government restricts us all.
Threats of war and genocide
against decent people.
Memories of persecution,
catching up to desperate measures,
they are my power supply to fight
for the new beginning.
Is this the end of our living and the population?
I hope yes, cause this is the worst imagination.
Dreams crumbling to dust collapsing under stamps of anger
belonging to the gods of this fucking world..
Move the boundaries of reality
dimension change comes now.
Skladbu Dimension Change můžete stáhnout ZDE za dobrovolný poplatek.
Set The Dial: Mode Hardcore Tour 2013 se kvapem blíží!!! Sleduj koncerty nebo stručný přehled najdeš níže!
15.2.2013 - Sokolov / Faces are Fiction @ Alfa
16.2.2013 - Strážnice @ Kulturák
22.2.2013 - Kladno@ Poldofka
23.2.2013 - Ústí nad Labem @ ???
1.3.2013 - Praha @Kain
8.3.2013 - Plzeň / Sphere @ Pod Lampou
9.3.2013 - Kamenice / w The Sea Charmer @Čečkárna
16.3.2013 - Černošice /w Born Again, The Sea Charmer @Club Kino
22.3.2013 - Großschönaus (DE) @
23.3.2013 - Rakovník @ Letiště / w. AT8ONTHEPINGPONGTABLE
29.3.2013 - Kralupy nad Vltavou @Ponorka
30.3.2013 - Pečky /w. FAR`N HATE(Španělsko) , MYSTERY OF 19TH OCTOBER (SK) @Eden
5.4.2013 - Ostrava @Plan B hardcore cafe
6.4.2013 - Cracow(PL) - ???
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