Tashliar - O kapele | Bandzone.cz

Tashliar acoustic-rock / Košice

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • An Ode to Nothing
  • Elise
  • A Wish for Xenophobes

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Dodatečné info

In case of any questions, offers, do not hesitate to contact me via mail - pt.tesliar@gmail.com

Lyrics / texty :


 An ode to the old days burned in your hands

The wind blew all of us away, way too far

Still remember 2005, brothers in days, at nights

When we were more than just a must

 Dancing with a dead girlfriend under the sun

Pretending we’re having fun

Such a trouble but we still keep the line ‘cause part of us love it to death

 Sometimes I think I can’t take this anymore

 Kissing a dead princess while holding her skeleton

Black leaves beneath us

Signify that we’re dying but I’m trying not to forget, not to be led out of here

 Out of here, out of a headless corpse poisoned by fear

Out of selfishness, disinterest

That’s why I’m standing here alone.



 I was drowning, drowning into hell

I was screaming, painful dreams of my past

 I fell down over and over again

just a silent film I've been part of, locked in my cave

no sky no air to breathe

I've found my own place beneath the one I used to live in

 Screwed trust held in her hands

I don't know her, am I sober ?

The bloody need to take revenge

disappeared as she was kissed

 I took the fall when my friend turned his back on me

down on my knees when my

home torn apart and my broken heart missed someone to share my pain with

 Screwed past behind my back

I want more of her, fuck I'm sober

I've never been more myself

story's complete, the war's been won on this field for now

There are just a few of you that are worth it

Thank you Elise, you've opened my heart to those who are worth it, you are worth it

Some of you are gone, still moaning about your own all alone, what a painful gun

may be bunch of words killing efforts but on the other side there is still a light

and her name's Elise.



 Hard to breath, hard to believe to what you’re sayin’

Bleeding heart, flock of huns are in opposite to who I am

 Your lives are ruined and you know

it’s your fault, there’s no one who cares about

other people and their feelings, what does it mean to lose everything to save his own child

you’re such a shit called a human being

 I wish you their fate without any regret

All of you with yourmoral purity“ are poking yourselves up at home, fucked up nation of morons

Black hole inside your chest

calling up for the ghosts of a past

This is who we really are

Living forever with a bleeding scar / Acting like christians but in a fact just poor liars

I feel so bad for you

I see a grave of you

that is lonely and abandoned same as your life that’s worse then a ballad

Please go away.

Bio a historie

Acoustic project founded in late 2015 by member of Slovak hardcore/punk band RETFISH; Peter Tešliar.

Members : Peter Tešliar (guitars, vocals, lyrics)

Recorded by Jan Terpak @ Greenfield studios, Košice-Šaca.

Artwork by Dominika Kentošová