Terrestrial Chaos - O kapele | Bandzone.cz

Terrestrial Chaos metal / Bratislava

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Innermost Collapse - demo
  • 01 - Corporate Image
  • 02 - On The Verge of Humanity
  • 03 - Zlobri idu na Dedinu
  • 04 - Empire of Enemies
  • 05 - Sanity Counterpart
  • Dealing with Gods
  • Poetry of Decadence
  • Avoiding Reality
  • Colliding Harmony

Členové skupiny

Nástrojové obsazení: Growl, Scream
Nástrojové obsazení: Bicí

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Dodatečné info

Bio a historie

Once upon a time when dark clouds flooded the heavens and skies started to bleed,
the depths of pure chaos spit out four demons to bring their empire to this world.
Throughout endless nights they were crawling out from darkest corners of the earth feeding on chaos whilst looking for the last element needed for eternal pandemonium.
They have found the damned rotten soul able to spread out the chaos with the words and voice.
That day has been written in bold in the books of history, let the chaos prevail once and for all.