The Light Beyond - Novinky |

The Light Beyond electronica-gothic / Praha, Nové Město pod Smrkem

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Break All The Promises
  • State Of Mind

The Light Beyond v hitparádách

Relativně slušné úspěchy zaznamenává The Light Beyond v různých internetových hitparádách. Vybíráme:

1)  - hitparáda elektronické muziky

uplynulý týden 3. místo (z 137 nasazených) starý flák z r. 2000 - Need You So Bad


2) dále uveřejňujeme aktuální výpis z hitparád na

Main Genres

Big Time Politics

# 3,009 in Alternative (highest position was 1,163). Total songs: 107,115
# 245 in Alt Punk (highest position was 96). Total songs: 6,415

My Plea

# 3,183 in Pop (highest position was 1,137). Total songs: 65,083
# 1,191 in Pop General (highest position was 391). Total songs: 20,480

So Wrong

# 4,726 in Rock (highest position was 2,120). Total songs: 127,611
# 245 in Goth Rock (highest position was 131). Total songs: 3,033

Break All The Promises

# 6,925 in Electronica (highest position was 2,221). Total songs: 198,055
# 188 in Euro (highest position was 114). Total songs: 1,465
- currently no song only in sub genres -
  Previously Charting
These songs have previously been on the charts.
Edge Of Nothing
# 509 in Drum n Bass. Total songs: 12,534
No One's Free
# 6,350 in Electronica. Total songs: 198,055
# 1,044 in Electronica. Total songs: 32,212