Threes Away - O kapele |

Threes Away punk-rock'n'roll / Austin, Texas

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Police State
  • Threes Away-Outlast
  • Threes Away-Dark Shores
  • Threes Away-Nothing to Gain
  • Threes Away-It's Going Down...
  • Threes Away-Victory Song
  • Threes Away-Static on the Radio

Členové skupiny

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Dodatečné info

Threes Away jsou punk rocková skupina tvořená členy Born to Lose. Z jamování ve zkušebně v době nepřítomnosti zpěváka BTL Klincka vznikla regulérní kapela.

Po společném vystoupení v Praze s the Devils Brigade následovalo mini tour s pražskými the Gangnails, které protnulo několik českých a německých měst. Kapela po návratu natočila ep “Word of Mouth“ singl “Police State“, vytvořila vlastní jednoduchou videohru opírající se o oblíbenou kratochvíli našeho sympatického kvarteta a to hru v kostky po americku a také v neposlední řadě stihli projet téměř celé spojené státy. Nyní se vrátí v plné parádě, s novým materiálech, potkat se znovu se všemi fans, kterých mají i díky své veselé povaze a bezstarostnému feelingu požehnaně nejen v naší kotlině! Zůstaňte naladěni!

THREES AWAY is a punk rock band from Austin, TX. Drawing influences from pop punk to hardcore, their songs vary in style, but always include loud guitars, driving beats, and multiple vocals. THREES AWAY`S songs range from topics on touring and drinking around the world to current political events and trends while delivering a positive message with realistic undertones. With over 50 years of combined experience between them, the members of THREES AWAY have played in such bands as Born To Lose, Sixer, The Independents, and Riverboat Gamblers. Formed in the Fall of 2010 as a side project from Born To Lose, the guys wrote and recorded a 7 song demo. Their first show was in the Spring of 2011 opening for Devils Brigade in Prague followed by a short European run with Gangnails. In the Spring of 2012 THREES AWAY self released the "Word of Mouth" EP and preformed several shows at the SXSW music festival in Austin TX. Their next move was touring the United States over 5 weeks in the Spring of 2013. THREES AWAY has shared stages with Devils Brigade, Gangnails, Far From Finished, Swinggin Utters, The Shell Corporation, Sex Slaves, The Independents, Lower Class Brats and The Adicts. Throughout the years, these 4 friends have continued to do to what they have always done: Write, record, perform, and live the life they love. THREES AWAY is currently writing new music for a European release in the Winter of 2014 and booking European dates for February 2014.


Line up:

 Ben Ballard - guitar, howling

Chris Hausen - bass, vocal

Chris Rupp - guitar

Ian Walling - drums, vocal


Bio a historie