Tokhi se hudbě aktivně věnuje od dětství, má za sebou řadu úspěchů na české a mezinárodní scéně. Jako perkusista spolupracoval s mnoha umělci z celého světa, namátkou: Karel Gott, Jana Koubková, Vlasta Redl, Ilona Csáková, Laura a její tygři, UDG, Pavel Fajt, Emil Viklický, 1OO°C, Shahab Tolouie, Feng Yun Song, Vesna Caceres, Mário Bihári a další. Procestoval velkou část Evropy a USA, v rámci výstavy EXPO 2010 vystoupil i v Číně. Koncertoval ve vyprodaných halách i na evropských stadionech. Je vyhledávaným studiovým hráčem a přes svůj nízký věk velmi uznávaným muzikantem na české i zahraniční scéně. Působí jako firemní a sponzorovaný hráč výrobců hudebních nástrojů Schlagwerk, Flix, Balbex, Mapex, Anatolian, Cympad, Korg, atd. Tokhi vyučuje hru na perkuse a improvizaci, mimo jiné působí i jako Drum Circle Facilitator ve společnosti Original Rhythm Team.
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My name is Tokhi and I am professional musician. I have been dealing with music and rhythm since my parents enlisted me in a basic school with a special focus on music education at the age of six. At the age of ten I started to study
rhythm and percussions more intensively, at the age of 13 I then become widening my horizons by getting to know percussions from all over the world. Then at the age of 18 I moved from my hometown Teplice to the capital of the Czech Republic (Prague) where
I settled and make my living playing percussions as a professional player.
As a percussionist and ethnic musical instruments player I worked with many famed artists and took part in numerous music projects on home stages and international scene likewise, e.g. the world famous singer Karel Gott, or Laura and her tigers and many
more. I travelled with music to many european countries (Germany, Slovakia, Slovenia, Italy, Greece, Croatia, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Swiss, Belgium, France), last year I was on tour in USA (New York, Connecticut) and China (EXPO 2010 in
Among my international lecturers belong e.g. Janos Crecelius (Berlin) – rhythms of west Africa, djembe and bass drums, Aldo Ferrara (Roma) - latin America (congas, bongo, timbales, cajon, cowbells, maracas), Hearn Gadbois (New York – worked with Patti
Smith or Yoko Ono) – instruments of Near East and north Africa (darbuka, dombek), consultation with first class player Assaf Seewi (London) and many others. I am really happy I could met them and enjoy their knowleges. Thank you again. Right now, I am
sponsored player and endorser of Mapex – Drums and HW, Anatolian – cymbals, Balbex (drumsticks producer, they make special drumstick according to my own design, so called Artist Signature Series), I play also for Flix company (sticks and brushes) and
Cympad, some time ago I became an endorser by another big company, Schlagwerk and now Korg too. I play a dozen of shows each month and i also work like a studio player and DrumCircle facilitator for Original Rhythm Team. For more infos about me, please go
on Music is my passion.