Top-Display! - O kapele |

Top-Display! rock'n'roll-rock / ST.PETERSBURG

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0:00 / 0:00
  • Mistakes
  • If not come tomorrow

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Dodatečné info

Top-Display! - Russian rock group that has existed since the spring of 2008, which plays music in the styles of rock, new-wave rock. During its short lifetime acquired a certain notoriety. Initially, the Internet has information about a new group called «No Display», but then was denied the first issue of Maxim «Top-Display TV», appears online in April 2008, where he tells Max about the composition and future plans (recording maxi-single release of video blogs). In the future these issues have become routine, and served as a breeding ground for communication between the band and fans, as well as a source of news "at first hand." Many editions of Top-Display TV focused on, is far from the music clip, so you can quickly disseminate information about the group, to attract new audiences and to spend time waiting for new news on the group. All issues of the Top-Display TV group was placed in the official media channel on YouTube.
May 11 Top-Display! gives the first acoustic concert at "The Revolution", which first heard the song from the upcoming mini-album. May 18, at the club "Point" premiere group, where they were full with a group of Maio. Presentation of the EP Rock sound life occurred May 31, 2008 in DC "Jubilee" in a joint statement with the band Jane Air.
Mini-album of four songs was released on Cap-Kahn, and presented as a collector's edition in cardboard sleeve (Digipack). All the songs were posted on the new band's website for free listening. Of shot in DC "Jubilee" video clip materials created for the song "Peace animated machines" with a new EP. On his YouTube channel presentation was held June 28, 2008.
In support of the Rock sound life group Top-Display! gave a series of concerts in the cities of Russia: Yaroslavl and Kaliningrad.
After a short break and the absence of statements related to start recording a new full length album (early September) Top-Display play a concert in Moscow club "Plan B" on October 16, October 31 and then a solo album at the club "Orlandina." Show entirely devoted to Halloween, after which the guys from the group reincarnated in frightening images of the symbols of the holiday (vampire, werewolf, etc.). Before the concert was held in make-up photo shoot, and on the YouTube channel video invitation appeared on the show.
After the group delves into the work on the upcoming album. Recording takes place at several studios in St. Petersburg (Secret Studio, Egorov and APH), as a sound producer performs the famous sound engineer, guitarist, Fourth Dimension, Alexander Karelin, who previously worked on the release of many Russian rock groups (Stigmata, Origami, Jane Air).
December 12 Maxim publish in its Learn the album cover, "you added," [6]. December 28 in a new video message to fans of the group introduces the title track from the forthcoming self-titled album - "You were added", accompanied by a photo installation, which then fall into the album in collage form. January 2, 2009 a group at the festival "Alternative Tree" introduced a new member - drummer Sergei Ogarkov. By the time all the percussion parts for the album were recorded by Danilo Belousov before changing the composition.
The first full length album, Top-Display! "You were added" out January 31 via Kap-Kan.The release is kompilyaschiyu CD + DVD. Presentations are held in the two capitals (22 February, Moscow, club "Zapasnik" and on February 27, Peter, the club "Revolution").
April 26, 2009 Group Top-Display! one year from the date of its foundation. In honor of this date, the group again gives concerts in the capital (April 23, St. Petersburg, the club "Revolution", 26 April, Moscow club «OneRock»), which are songs from two previous releases, as well as new songs. A May 27, played a concert in Nizhny Novgorod in the club "The Matrix", and an open air concert in Moscow club "Zapasnik" (but the concert does not take place because of bad weather, and the group decided to hold the event inside the club), Top- Display! goes on summer vacation. Along the way, preparing material for the new release.
Album «Don't Stop»
On the future plans of Max announced in the next release video blog on YouTube. Among them - shooting video, and preparation of a new mini-album. After some time in the network there are "direct interventions" from the studio, where recorded rhythm section and vocals. July 30 it was announced that the name of the new album - «Don't Stop».
21 September, the network released the single from the forthcoming album - the song "My Shadow" is available for free download. The corresponding article appeared on the site Top-Display!.
October 12 - premiere new video «Crazy» from the album "You were added." The plot is a clip casting, a course of action is fast clip and fully justifies the title of the video.
In the course of heated discussions of the upcoming release of on site October 16, 2009 published the album cover «Don't Stop». October 19 in Maxim's official Community Top-Display! "In Touch" said the release is a full-length album (and not the EP, as stated earlier), but because of the presence in the tracklist of all eight tracks shorter than the released nine months ago, "you added,". The first sales of the new album is scheduled for October 22, 2009.


Bio a historie

Max Kamenshikov - Vocal, Keys

Pavel Vorobyov - Bass

Alexandr Danilov - Guitar, Vocal

Nikita Grubanov - Drums, Vocal