Neuvěřitelné se stalo skutečností, ale skoro po roce od nahrání, milionu komplikací, měnění lisovny atd je naše 7ep "Pachuť šílenosti" konečně venku.
Desku si zároveň můžeš poslechnout a stáhnout na našem bandcampu. Přesto budeme rádi, když nás i labely podpoříš i koupí 7ep.
Díky všem, napište nám jak se Vám nahrávka líbí / nelíbí and peace and love!
The unbelievable has become reality, and almost a year after the recording session, a millions of complications, changing of the place of pressing, our 7’’ called "Pachuť šílenosti" ("Aftertaste of Madness") is finally out!
Several labels and people participated in the release, so if you want a copy of it, you can find it at Papagájův Hlasatel, Dis-šrot records, Schmeichel kabinett 666, Deadly Illness Records (from Hungary), Šváb Records, GRF Records, Aback Records, Véva
Records, Kamčůf DIY svět, Animator records, Ofca porn production, as well as at Vacul, Zakis, Tomáš Bařina, Buči, Ella and at the band itself.
In the meantime you can listen and download the whole record at our bandcamp site. However, we would be glad if you bought the physical format of the 7’’ this way supporting the labels as well.
Thanks a lot for you all! We welcome your opinions on the record, how you like/ dislike it. Peace & love!