UNCUT SOLO version by Petr Bartonek (Ucan2) for DROGBA - YOU ARE
Vznik: 14.12.2016
Uncut solo version by Petr Bartonek (Ucan2) for DROGBA - YOU ARE MY EVERYTHINGMusic written by Dusan Benza (Bengizz)
Solo by Petr Bartonek (Bartos)
Ucan2 is a four member instrumental rock band which was founded in 2010 in Brno, Czech republic.
Ucan2 music takes you through a wide variety of musical moods from heavier rock tunes to soul injecting feelings and imagination.
Over the five years, the band has become a stable part of the club scene in the Czech republic and has performed over a hundered concerts abroad as well as touring in Italy, Hungary, Slovakia and Austria.