Undergust - O kapele | Bandzone.cz

Undergust crossover-crust / São Paulo

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Dinheiro / Poder
  • Trap
  • Chaos Farm
  • Dinheiro / Poder
  • Rejeito
  • Madness
  • Strong
  • Manipulação
  • Chaos Farm
  • Think About
  • No Chance
  • Irrational Behavior

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Dodatečné info

Bio a historie

Founded in 2015, in São Bernardo do Campo, at ABC Paulista, Undergust has Samuel Vieira on vocals, Fábio Gonçalves on bass, Jhon Braga on guitars and Ramon Mantuan on drums.
Solidified in Hardcore and with strong influences of Crossover Thrash and Crust, the band's sound refers to Napalm Death, Ratos de Porão, No Innocent Victim, Ação Direta, Cro-Mags and everything that is dirty, rough and noisy.
With the release of "Irrational Behavior" EP in 2016, on CD and K7 and a full album called "Chaos Farm", with launching in the first half of 2018, Undergust took flight in Eastern Europe, having all its material distributed by the label Red Truth Records, as well as throughout Brazil, distributed by the label Mil Tentativas Records. Chaos Farm has important appearances that brought quality to the album, Parris Mayhew (Cro-Mags), Jão (Ratos de Porão and Periferia S / A), Rogério Martins (Lixomania), Claudia (Negative Control), Gepeto (Ação Direta and Letall) and Galo (Ação Direta and Ulster) contributed to the Fazenda do Chaos.
In 2018 comes the invitation to accompany the Dutch band VitaminX on a tour of Eastern Europe, a consequence of the work carried out in Europe with numerous written reviews, including the Russian website Headbangers.ru, relevant interviews like the Belgian site Hardcore Gateway and the important Idioteq online magazine as well as compilations in Europe and South America, with special emphasis on Hardcore Gateway collection alongside Providence, Crowned Kings, Nasty and with all income reverted to the non profit humanitarian organization Hardcore Help Fundation, in favor of needy families, and splits released with Nocaut (Mexico), Addiction and Unshaken (Brazil), Psycorepaths and Last Stand (Greece), Klasskamp (Sweden) and Reactija (Bulgaria), the band has been building a solid and consolidated career.

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