"Sex and Coffee" is a song by the band SEXCoffee, blending heavy metal and blues to create powerful soundscapes with poignant narratives. https://blockbreaker.im/
Podobnost se určuje podle počtu společných fanoušků.
"Sex and Coffee" is a song by the band SEXCoffee, blending heavy metal and blues to create powerful soundscapes with poignant narratives. https://blockbreaker.im/
Právě jsem si poslechl nový klip Sex a Káva a wow – to je prostě pecka! Groovy a melodie mě chytily hned od prvního tónu. Je to ten typ skladby, která sedne kdykoliv během dne. Naprosto návykové!
I just watched Sex and Coffee, and wow, what a mood! The groove and melody had me hooked from the first beat. It's the kind of song you can vibe to any time of the day. https://block-blast.io