777 Babalon - O kapele | Bandzone.cz

777 Babalon ambient-black / City of Pyramids

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Belus' tilbakekomst (Burzum)
    ג EP
  • The Shrine of Nothingness
    1677 (900 Piesek collaboration)
  • Messe Noire
    ב EP
  • The Abomination of Desolation
    ב EP
  • Dosebazostúpenie I
  • God is Dead
    א EP
  • Mysteria Montis Nigri
    א EP
  • 0 - Heru-ra-ha (Conquering)
    Crowned and Conquering Child
  • Homo Sacer (2013 Metacosmic, Split with Theatrum Spirituum)
    Theatrum Spirituum/777 Babalon - Metacosmic (split)
  • Live Ritual at Walls of Solitude V, 4th July 2014
    Live Ritual at Walls of Solitude V
  • 0 = Theogony - The Book of Meon (2013 Berashith album)
  • I = Christogony - In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word wa
  • II = Cosmogony - Liber Trigrammaton Sub Figvrâ XXVII (2013 Beras
  • 777 Babalon - Ode to the Moon (2013 Alchymical Androgyne EP)
    Alchymical Androgyne EP
  • 777 Babalon - Neosatanic Cosmosophy (2013 Alchymical Androgyne E
    Alchymical Androgyne EP
  • 777 Babalon - Solve et Coagula (2013 Alchymical Androgyne EP)
    Alchymical Androgyne EP
  • 777 Babalon - Salt, Sulphur & Mercury (2013 Alchymical Androgyne
    Alchymical Androgyne EP
  • 777 Babalon - Last Equinox (2013 Alchymical Androgyne EP)
    Alchymical Androgyne EP
  • Niet Boha a ja som toho prorok
    ג EP

Členové skupiny

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Dodatečné info

A Dark Ambient project consisting of two members from the marshes of Slovakia. 

The Members are:

- samples

- vocal

Bio a historie

Formed in 2012 by two guys from the Slovak black metal scene, identified as A and D, 777 Babalon is a dark occult ambient project. In 2013, they released an EP "Alchymical Androgyne", a split with Theatrum Spirituum "Metacosmic" and a full-lenght "Berashith". When playing live, 777 Babalon incomporates theatric and ritualistic elements. Lately, they also used drone, doom and black metal in their music as well.