Ebony Wall - O kapele | Bandzone.cz

Ebony Wall symphonic-melodic / Annaberg-Buchholz (DE)

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Strangers in Hell
  • Creatures of the Night
  • Die in Flames

Členové skupiny

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Dodatečné info

Bio a historie

Youtube Video 7IOloZcWz0kYoutube Video 7IOloZcWz0k

In order to make his musical ideas real, guitarist and singer/songwriter Ronny Schuster started to search for suitable musicians in the fall of 2011. He consulted his past contacts and found Bert Wolter (bass), Philipp ‘Nafta’ Dießl (drums) und Yves Merten (vocals, guitar) as his companions to lay the foundation for a future cooperation. All three had already crossed Ronny’s path in bands like Testimony, Fimbulthier and Wishmaster (a Nightwish cover band). Through an album by Eternal Sleep, they got to know the 17-year old singer Nina Irmscher and keyboard player Denny ‘Malle’ Meitsky, who completed the line up of Ebony Wall in December 2011.

The first few months after the formation of Ebony Wall were used to rehearse and write some new heavy, power and symphonic metal songs. At the end of 2012, they went into the ToneKeeper Studio in their hometown Annaberg-Buchholz (near the Czech Republic border) with producer Andreas Rudolph to record a demo. With the demo in their back pocket, Ebony Wall started to do some live gigs, dressed as priests, gaining a lot of new fans and playing with bands like Tankard, Grave Digger and Alpha Tiger.


At the beginning of 2014, the band members met each other again at the ToneKeeper Studio to start working on the debut album. Due to some interruptions, it would become a 12-months journey, but the end result was very satisfactory. With producer Andreas Rudolph, Ronny managed to bundle the complexity and the vast extent of the material on one album. Time was released on May 9th 2015.

Album: "Time" 2015

Label: Onevision

digital Distribution: Feiyr



