Satarial - O kapele |

Satarial metal / Moscow

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Horned God
  • Baptized by fire and sword
  • Nerone

Členové skupiny

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Dodatečné info

Bio a historie

Satarial was created in 1989 by Lord Seth.
It was then called " A.M.S.G. " ( Ad Maiorum Satan Glorium ) and in 1993 changed on Satarial. 
Satarial is the first black metal project of Russia.

1996- And the flame will take the temples of christ (S.I.rec. Russia)
1997- And the flame will take the temples of christ (Hobgoblin rec. Russia)
1998- Queen of the Elves land (Hobgoblin rec. Russia)
1999- Queen of the Elves land ( Italy)(Century Media Records)
2000- Heidenlarm ( Italy)(Century Media Records)
2001- Heidenlarm (Irond rec. Russia)
2001- Larm (Hobgoblin rec. Russia)
2005- Tanz mit...Tod (Cyberrock rec.)(Century Media Records)
2006- Latexxx (Yaros film Russia)
2008- Tanz mit...Tod( SLEASZY RIDERS prod Греция)
2008- Latexxx( SLEASZY RIDERS prod Греция)
2014- Lunar cross (Co-release with Metallic Media (USA), Black Plague Records (USA). Satanath Records)
1996- Satarial
1998- Valpurgieva nosch
1999- Queen of the Elves land
2006- Gothic Rush