Caravana Banda - O kapele |

Caravana Banda world music / Praha

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Amor Y Oro
  • U jeziurecka u bystry wody
  • Prusa Es Mi Nombre

Členové skupiny

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Dodatečné info

Magda Navarrete - vocal, dance
Tomas Prusa - arragements, sax
Andrzej Lewocki - flamenco guitar, cajón
Jakub Masek - euphonium
Jiri Genrt - tuba
Vaclav Kalenda - trompet
Mateusz Sieradzan - cajón, tapan 

Bio a historie

Band created by Tomas Prusa and Magda Navarrete with over two years of great
musical collaboration - they played together on diverse festivals
and in many theaters, streets, clubs in Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia.
Their mission is to tell the public a musical tale about music - from original compositions to gypsy influences hailing from Central Europe (the Czech Republic,Hungary, Serbia) and flamenco (Spain). Latin rhythms and Balkan melodies for wind instruments are fused together to create an explosive musical blend. Musicians from very different cultural circles
have found a common language, which is onstage energy and a musical fusion
unlike any other in Europe. No-one will be indifferent to it.