After Evolution - O kapele |

After Evolution symphonic-gothic / Zlín

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • War of the Worlds
    War of the Worlds
  • The Path
    War of the Worlds
  • Cursed
    War of the Worlds
  • Librum Fortitudinis
    War of the Worlds
  • Once Upon a Time
    War of the Worlds
  • Final Hope
    War of the Worlds
  • In the Chains
    War of the Worlds
  • Dark Side
    War of the Worlds
  • Infinity Flames
    War of the Worlds
  • Nothing Left but Pain
    War of the Worlds
  • The Victory
    War of the Worlds

Členové skupiny

Nástrojové obsazení: Zpěv, Piano, klavír
Nástrojové obsazení: Kytara, Growl
Nástrojové obsazení: Baskytara
Nástrojové obsazení: Bicí

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Dodatečné info

Bio a historie

2013 - Band has been formed by Michal and Nikolette, trying and experimenting with melodies, and finsing the suitable members for the band

2016 - The members has been successfuly found and band started to face public eye. After Evolution recorded first demo album "Threnodies" to be able to present them to the record labels, festivals and fans. And they got very successful and won a competition to play on big czech festival!

2017 - After Evolution continued playing live gigs and festivals and started with composing of next album. Also the band started to seek some music label.

2018 - The band played on few festivals and gigs and has been asked by a label WormHoleDeath to sign a contract and record first official album in a proffesional studio and the band agreed. Also this year band went through big member changes, because some members didnt want to continue this professional way and wanted to continue their music carries as a hobby.

2019 - band had a little break because of seeking and training new members of the band and recorded a videoclip for the debut album, worked on cover art etc.

2020-2021 - Covid break

2022 - After Evolution has officialy released their first debut album "War of the Worlds" with WormHoleDeath label and had huge success! Videoclip reached 215.000 views on youtube and the reviews were very positive!

2023 - Coming soon