Ahoj, je tomu přesně rok, co naše kapela poprvé okusila podia pražských a jiných klubů. K této příležitosti jsme si dovolili načasovat náš singl Don't Give It Up. Doufáme, že se Vám zalíbí a brzy se uvidíme na nějakém koncertě. A tohle je text našeho
nasazeného songu, který si každý může vyložit trochu jinak. Přejeme příjemný poslech. Anema
Don't Give It Up
You said
I tried to move on for little step
but I fell down, It's been a trap
Things going wild and I'm upset
when I must pray for a piece of bread
Thing going wild and I'm upset
Sometimes I feel like I am dead
Pull a trigger, Shoot me on my head
If you nevermind, It will makes me glad
I was same like you ten years ago
Don't give It up, don't take It wrong
You're rising up depends on work
Change needs a time, I feel you're strong
I was riding on the road
Route sixty six that you should know
You never know what comes around
Take a second chance, stay on the ground
You'll be riding on the road
Route sixty six that you should know
You left you dreams ten miles ago
Don't take It back, just let It go
You said
I tried to move on for little step
but I fell down, It's been a trap
Things going wild and I'm upset
when I must pray for a piece of bread
Thing going wild and I'm upset
Sometimes I feel like I am dead
Pull a trigger, Shoot me on my head
If you nevermind, It will makes me glad
I was same like you ten years ago
Don't give It up, don't take It wrong
You're rising up depends on work
Change needs a time, I feel you're strong
Don't give It up...
Don't give It up...
Don't give It up...
Don't give It up!
Don't give It up!
I was same like you ten years ago
Don't give It up, don't take It wrong
You're rising up depends on work
Change needs a time, I feel you're strong
I was riding on the road
Route sixty six that you should know
You never know what comes around
Take a second chance, stay on the ground
You'll be riding on the road
Route sixty six that you should know
You left you dreams ten miles ago
Don't take It back, just let It go