Aquadrunk - O kapele |

Aquadrunk ambient-downtempo / Cheb

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • House of Chill
    Selfish and chips
  • The Network
    Selfish and chips
  • Storyteller
    Selfish and chips
  • The Wall
    Selfish and chips
  • The Shuttlecock
    Selfish and chips
  • Thursday afternoon
    Selfish and chips
  • Lemongrasshoppers
    Selfish and chips
  • Waterfalling
    Selfish and chips
  • Frozen Wind
    Selfish and chips
  • Virtual Button
    Selfish and chips
  • Window Garden
    Selfish and chips
  • The Cinnamon
    Selfish and chips
  • During a Storm
    Selfish and chips
  • The Raining
    Selfish and chips
  • Bystanders
    Selfish and chips

Členové skupiny

Nástrojové obsazení: Jódlování, Triangl

Kontakty a odkazy

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Dodatečné info

Aquadrunk is Armin, computer and some other elements

Jako ono je nás víc, ale jenom já tu mám profil... :)

Bio a historie

* 2002