Sokolovská HC kapela, známá jako každoroční nedělní budíček Trutnovského festivalu. Zvedá lidi ze spacáků, aby se stáhli k pódiu, na kterém začne peklo.Tvrdá muzika, texty a lídrovy proslovy týkající se novodobých problémů jsou nezapomenutelné. Kapela jezdí s vlastní zvukovou, aparaturou,aby zaručila posluchačům vždy výborný a hutný zvuk! Umí si vydobýt respekt na české scéně a neustále pracuje na nových skladbách.
Kuba: Tel: 721 259 213
Hi, my name is Kuba, I'm the leader of the Czech hardcore band Boron. By the way, our fans call us " the Czech Pantera ". Anyway, I've been playing for more than 30 years with many musicians. With the band Boron we have been playing at music festivals and in small clubs all over our country but we have performed abroad as well - in Austria, Germany, Poland...
Although we sing only in Czech we have never had any problems with our audience and the atmosphere during our concerts has always been very spontaneous.The reason why we use the Czech language is that we need our fans to understand perfectly what our songs are about, ( we consider topics of our songs quite serious ).We would like to share with other people some ideas like Be a good father..., Drugs are not the proper way..., Love your parents and don't be ashamed for it....
The texts of our songs are translated into English and are avalaible for our audience before our performance.
Our contact person for English is Mila, her e-mail is phone : ++420 723 724 543
One little "bite" from our lyrics :
I've come from Ukraine, I don't feel guilty
I'm looking for a place on this planet. Hero!
Then the '68 came and nobody knew how to deal with freedom
They need me
I'm looking for a place on this planet
The Earth doesn't provide any bread anymore
I cannot stain my hands with other people's blood, I'm sorry
The Earth doesn't provide any bread anymore