Common Health - O kapele |

Common Health acoustic-punk / Sedlčany

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0:00 / 0:00
  • no time gal
  • love decision
  • human animals

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Kapela hraje vege-accoustic-folk-love-punk ve stylu against me!, joe strummer, johny cash, ale sviznejsi veci.


Sven Nevlida - kytara, zpev

Matej Pina - kytara, zpev

Ondra Vanya - basova kytara

Bio a historie

Texty písní


Love Decision

There´s no feeling in our talk, no emotions thru your look, and nothing settle us!

Wastage of talking about you and me, about all things, that could be, but nothing more and less!

I still can´t see and I can´t move and everything´s cause of you, I´ll die for your vote!

Minutes, hours, days ago, my chances die and I know, There´s NO HOPE!


I´m falling love,

You know, you know, you know

You can´t decide

I have to tell you how!


Fire in your eyes maybe burn, but nothing so much hurts like unheard love!

I love, I love, I love you so, I don´t want to be more a lonely boy!

Make decision and give me word, then I promisse my heart and sword, that I won´t leave!

So please get me out of those sad feelings of my lost, cause I wanna see:

Your burning eyes, shining face and events, after we´ll find our place

It´s not about me, it´s your turn, it´s up to you, where you search for true

I´m trapped in the cage for every day, I´m slave of love and can´t split away

So I´m still waiting until I´ll know, you´re saying either yes or no, there´s NO HOPE!


I´m losing my self, destructing my brain

changing my mind and refusing your name

once pain gonna be over, you´ll have only far memory,

and sometimes you´ll smile and sometimes you cry.. for me



Human Animals


Because everyone can fuck you every night!

I´m not ripping up your back, I stay in glare of light

You´re not a bitch and you´re not blond,

But you don´t listen, what I told

You´re ever sexual prey for everybody!!


I can hate strong, yeah, look at me, honey

and I´m not so cool, if I spent my last penny,

I don´t behave dedicated, I might ride high horses,

I ever told and gonna tell, that I´m not 18 and another poses.


Until my death, until life ends


And what I do is according to my taste,

I don´t need let you realize your space,

I don´t care, if you could cry,

that you´re asking who am I,

If I can sing this few words!!


There were endless splits, if we shouldn´t think about shits…


We´re indeed same animals, which at start left the sea,

but I´m not abide by pheromones – you cannot influence me!


from now no questions, no hindsights

taking leave friendly, only with "good bye"s

and no more kisses, secret wishes

no longer any love conditions,

no sweet hearts from fleece!!



Life is Gone


How far is life, when nineteen years gone and you had no fun

How is it possible, when I believe in that what I keep

Cauz nothing so strong, and not so much to compare me hutch

In the face of the God, when we’re just crying or already dying


My life is gone, my life is out, so many days spent so many to count

My life is out, my life is gone, such nice story but already done


What a sad term, does lead me to hear and thats not so clear,

I didnt see anything, though I was awake waiting for my escape,

But there wasnt a chance, and nobody helps and betrayal fiend sells

My self and my soul, there’s no action, one way direction.



Friend Cannot Feel


You don’t feel sorry, you’re not saying apologise!

You know, you could be my reason to die!

So why were the touches so true?! And supported by such a look?

If every thought was just the lie!


You said, you wouldn’t like to let me down!

So I don’t understand what you’re telling now!

I‘ve had great time, though, but I still can’t dare to love you!

So I feel, I couldn’t sink anymore!


Seize my hand and draw to me on and pretend the sound of each tone

from sentence: „You can’t feel the pain – we’re just the friends, anyway!“


I am asking myself, what you’re thinking about,

Whenever you go on and on the same around.

And if anything could option change for me-and-you, the hopeless plan

So what is done is done, no doubt!


Seize my hand and draw to me on and pretend the sound of each tone

from sentence: „You can’t feel the pain – we’re just the friends, anyway!“

Iam gonna punish myself if I’ve been wrong…

whatever happens, love counts …anyhow strong!



Clouds of Mysery


Do you wanna see love anyone else go through the jokery

And setting levels down to the lowest values ever seen

And the clouds of mysery are surrounding the dephs of my underworld

Thats why I’ve got this neverending fear.


Dont let my mind pray to same worry

Stop feeding the fire, dont allow leave me behind


Do you wanna stop right now, do you wanna make a new love kid,

Do you yearn after shut my mouth, you gotta let the people watch gettin me killed

And blood would all spray them, so they would look like a solid red,

Thats you and me, no satisfactory.


Let’s set in revolution – break anyone, anyhow, anytime, but me

And then it won’t ever depend on me, on you or just someone else

Consider this might just be my revenge, my success or my satisfaction

So next time you‘re going to proof if Iam able to love or kiss or just something to fetch



7 Dwarves


I tell you a story its not so long, so lets begin from the start in one row

Reading some book, looking for seven dwarves,

found nothing – no care, you saw what you saw,

there's nothing, just paper like a snow,

that's how it's meant to be?


Thats just your choice, where the story's gonna lead,

its like a writting lyrics, not searching empty seat..

Thats just your choice, where the story's gonna lead,

its like a writting lyrics, not searching empty seat..


Kings only cares for the feudal law,

queen's up to fit to their wastage hole,

princes stays forever sad and alone,

that's how it's meant to be?



Pathetic Prison

Pathetic prison keeps me all the way,

although I feel I’m holding collapsing castles gate

From falling falling falling down

and leaving walls between,

remotly removes pain from me


Day by day we trust we start again,

From five to ten, it’s hopeless useless trying , oh damn

Wind blows hardly causing mighty waves

And the pressure drags the ballance of our common scales,

Couldnt level on together, its behind our „can“

One arm through holding the other leads to separate

As on disconnected circuit doesnt work a plug

So the separated arms could not make a hug



We´ve Written the History


I would never wanna stop, you would better give up with looking through shaft

You reconcile, you might reconcile, that I am bleeding for you

I ever wanna taste a happiness, have some times like this,

Try to write the history, that sounds like a symphony and dedicate it to you.


Someday I’ll marry you in the sunset, thats the way I thought I would never direct


Sometimes we fight its hard to choose a side you’ve born to be right

I hope I grow I wanna grow then you let me belong to you

They affirm me you couldnt keep first bloom from the seed,

I might have trouble, I wanna it double – dont you think it strikes like the truth


Someday I’ll marry you in the sunset, thats the way I thought I would never direct

Someday I’ll marry you and the sun will rise up and we keep dating till we break up





Its been two weeks ago since they freed me from prison cell

It´s been just the couple days since I´m thinkin´ like a men

I´ve been feelin´ like an animal when I was quodin´ in the jail,

I had no honor, had no heart even though I´m free, I´m still the same

I was wanted for 5 years, for 5 bloody short and not still

Fear-seasons filled with abnegation, all cause of people I killed


Take one way down to hell,

To the bottom, where justice sits

And bring it up to the surface

To get rid of guilt, which inside me screems


I used to be good man, I used to love my job, (&did it properly)

Until that damned carcrash when died my closest family

I´ve been asking myself questions, why the God hasn´t taken me,

Why no other could survive and how could that bastard simply leave

Cause I found no answer , so did those lazy useless cops

I set myself in alcohol, finaly I drank away my last bucks


So I took my chances in the hand, that means I came in fathers home

And I put out from the drawer dusty old and never used shotgun

5 bullets , 5 shots were enough and I was leavin´  bank with prize

Of 100 000 bucks, so I would be independendent for the life

But although I could have everything , I knew that I never will

Cauz from all crimes I did was the first one the worst and hardest sin..



Till You Find Out


Is the world still going on.. is there something to believe,

I don't know... but I would say so,

cauz all the people live their fragile life in tragedy

and they die and rise on the count to three..


I'm blind,

when I love,

thats just sad,

cauz,I'm an actor in the play, I'm dead corp in decay,

I'm everything and nothing, the point is I'm not the one

to destine, it's true

it's wrong, it's right


How long shall that last, is it forever or just a week,

maybe till they find new cast or till they keep a lust

to do what I couldnt admit and tried hardly to deny

but to see through you don't haveto be a spy..


…it's right to carry on? it's right

it's right to carry on?


My life suck, I'm out of luck,

call myself zero.

Lets get back, tied your neck

and there you go

Stab it deep, let it bleed

till its empty hole.

Pick a tip, finish it,

let fall the pawn..

Let fall the pawn, let fall the pawn,

I'm just the pawn, let me fall


When one pawn's dead, the game doesn't end yet,

it continues and sometimes you even reach the starting line

Then you can get your loss back to the board as a price

and eventhough you know it won't be probably able to win the battle itself,

you may wanna try anyway





Few years have passed for a couple who lived on side of each other

no matter how hard they tried they struggled and struggled

They've never stopped loving, but they argue love times three

and they have evolved, problems unsolved they became own refugee.


You'll always be,

somwhere down in deep,

when the life fades, the memory stays

for all we had we bleed


No pain can stop what has to be done, when the moment comes right to transpire

the closer it gets, the stronger regrets make you wanna open an old file.

Recount the minutes worth to remember, loose your burdens, set bars to be cleared

there's no rank to win, just sink or swim - you gotta stop your fear!



Dark Cold Night


It's a dark cold night, I've got my head in my hands

thinking what keeps me here, what makes me stay


What have I done, nothing so far

but there's a few words I would like to say


to all these people

to all my friends I'm gonna leave behind

the time goes as fast as wind blows

and we will meet again sometime


I've been down, at the bottom of every bottle

and the fulfills of my ashtray


fighting dowh those sleepless nights

but it's not just up to me


it's up to the people

up to the enemies I'm leaving behind

the time goes as fast as wind blows

and we will meet again sometime


so tell me

there is nothing there is nothing left

what's worth staying here for

there is nothing, there is nothing left

where are the times I used to be strong

there is nothing there is nothing left

you see  my will is crashing down

there is nothing there is nothing left



The Boat


Sometimes you think you're a wave in the sea,

sometimes you don't – you remember the time,

you watched them from the beach and day was so bright

that you realized there's always a boat once in a while.


You're that boat,

you don't need a coast

you flow all alone

you won't ever drown


If you're on the highway of heartbreaks and cheat

you may find yourself believing what you want,

but if you follow habits and only walk on road

you will stay a number, that's just gettin old.


I was perfectly nice boy –you said so

At least we share the goal –you said so

But we hit that after all –you said so

What a fuck was going on? - You'll never know if this is just a joke!


Let's ever use no roads,

Let princes kiss the toads,

let husbands build the house,

let numbers die in crowds!