Darkfall - Videa | Bandzone.cz

Darkfall death-thrash / Graz

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Ride Through the Sky
    At the End of Times
  • The Way of Victory
    At the End of Times
  • Ashes of Dead Gods
    At the End of Times
  • Fading Away
    Road to Redemption
  • The Gods Await
    Road to Redemption
  • Rise to Dominate
    Road to Redemption
  • PeaceMaker
    Road to Redemption
  • Stilling My Rage (Vertigo II)

DARKFALL - PeaceMaker (Official Video @ Kaltenbach Open Air 2015

Oficiální videoklip Vznik: 13.9.2015
Pure metal, pyro, fire-eaters, swordsmen, burning guitars, moshpits and crazy fans. Metalheads, what else could you ask for?

Live footage and impressions from our 20th anniversary show at Kaltenbach Open-Air 2015, Austria. The song Peacemaker is taken from our album Road to Redemption.

Thanks to our fans for their endless support and loyalty.