Doomed - Novinky |

Doomed progressive-death / Žilina

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Suffer In Desire-New Single 2009
  • The Battle-New Album:Downfall
  • Take To Flight-New Album:Downfall
  • Cruel Fun-New Album:Downfall
  • Agains All Enemies-Album:Fate Of Suffering
  • Dark Dawn-Album:Fate Of Suffering
  • The Impaler
  • You Will Be Dead

Suffer In Desire

Po dlhých rokoch môžete konečne stiahnuť zadarmo song: "Suffer In Desire" na:

Broke Up!!!

..It is with heavy hearts but clear minds that we announce that this is the end of DOOMED.
There's no big dramatic story to tell, but after 14 years of putting everything we had into this band, we've simply all moved on and are taking our musical creativity into new and exciting projects:

Michael Watchmaker and Brian Dobish are taking the progressive rock/metal to a whole new level with their new The Tree Of Life project - this is some proper serious stuff.

Paul King is continuing full time with  DEMENTOR - the new album and some killer European tours are coming up this fall, so make sure you keep yourselves updated: also he prepare yourself solo project Paul King, you can check out the filth here: and the end he accede to The Tree Of Life too.

Brian Wonder has been busy working on his own project, the Increasing Passion, you can check it out here:  

Koniec Roka!

Ták a máme tu koniec roka 2009. Musím povedať, že bol plný zvratov a to nie len v Slovenskej ekonomike (crisis:) ,ale aj v samotnej kapele. Postihli nás dve zmeny a to odchod John-a (bass) a Michael-a (drums). Na post basáka prišiel Brian "Darco" Dobish a žial na bubenícku stoličku si ešte nik nesadol. Hádam sa to čoskoro zmeni a v Novom Roku 2010 budeme mocť pokračovať ako kapela a dokončiť nový album.

Naším fanúšikom ďakujeme za priazeň a sme radi, že nám stále fandia. Dik a hodne úspechov v Novom Rocku 2010 !!!