Dustfear - O kapele | Bandzone.cz

Dustfear metalcore / Vranov nad Topľou

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • DustFear - Only One
  • DustFear - Disguise
  • DustFear - General Depression
  • DustFear - To Forget

Členové skupiny

Kontakty a odkazy

Dodatečné info

houm3r - vocals (Tomáš Malý)

Lord.Fenix - guitar (Pavol Fenik)

matthew666 - drums (Matúš Kandra)

Joshua21 - bass (Ján Kuba)


Paľa Feníka a Lukáša Kindžerského spájala rovnaká hudba vo walkmanoch a láska ku gitare. V roku 2005 spojili svoje sily a založili kapelu DustFeaR. Vlastné gitarové riffy, mierne ovplyvnené známou Metallicou z Paľovej strany a Sepulturou zo strany Lukáša, sa stali základom ich tvorby. Aby ich kapela mohla začať riadne fungovať, vyskúšali mnohých spevákov, bassgitaristov a bubeníkov. Prvá pevná zostava kapely bola vytvorená vtedy, keď sa bassgitary ujal šikovný Edo Kopček, mikrofón vzal do rúk Jozef Katriňák a za bicie zasadol Maroš Sobota, dnešný bassgitarista vranovskej kapely Velvet Stone. Tejto zostave však osud veľmi neprial. Osobné problémy boli príčinou rozpadu kapely. Až v roku 2008 začal opäť Lukáš spolu s Paľom, ktorý sa vrátil z ďalekého Anglicka, hľadať nových hudobníkov do kapely. Novým bubeníkom sa stal Juraj Korekáč a bassgitaru dostal do rúk Jozef Dysko. DustFeaR potreboval už iba poriadny spev a rev v jednom. Svojimi bohatými skúsenosťami a talentom toto miesto v kapele obsadil bubeník z kapely Velvet Stone, Tomáš Malý. Do kapely perfektne zapadol a dodnes je jej srdcom. Do povedomia Vranova a blízkeho okolia sa kapela dostala až v roku 2008 prvým, ale mimoriadne úspešným verejným vystúpením. Zároveň ukázali svoj nevídaný potenciál a obrovskú chuť tvoriť. V roku 2009 došlo k personálnej zmene na poste bubeníka. DustFear privítal mladého no technicky ohromne nadupaného Matúša Kandru, ktorý kapele dodáva energiu dodnes. Posledná personálna zmena nastala na mieste bassgitaristu. Jozefa Dyska nahradil verný fanúšik a starý kamarát  Ján Kuba. S veľkým zanietením sa uchytil svojho miesta v kapele a uzavrel päticu, ktorá dnes nesie názov DusfFeaR. Svoje prvé demo kapela vydala v roku 2010 pod názvom General Depression. Dnes sa všetci členovia snažia tvoriť, hrať a vystupovať čo najviac, aby sa ešte viac priblížili svojim novým i starým fanúšikom, ktorí sú pre DustFeaR to najcennejšie…



20.11.2010 Rožňava Cold light God Defamer, St. Black FREE
12.11.2010 Stropkov BIKERS PUB Saprophyte, Crosscheck, Eternity 4€
05.11.2010 Seč. Polianka (VT) H-3 St. Black, Exliris 2 €
23.10.2010 Michalovce Piváreň Overload 1 €
22.10.2010 Breznica (Stropkov) Chatka pod lesom Gate, Dformacia, CBA, Suprafon FREE
09.10.2010 Strážske Park Pub Evil Eyes, Exliris, Grond 3 €
02.10.2010 Kuková (Giraltovce) Bizarre club St. Black 1 €
01.10.2010 Soľ (VT) Luna Bar St. Black, Čo koho do toho, DVP 2 €
07.08.2010 Šírava Reštaurácia Blesk Exliris, Čo koho do toho, Žumpa, KSS FREE
21.05.2010 Vranov n/T CVČ Drywine, Yesterworld, Grond 2€
27.03.2010 Ružomberok Nové Korzo Head 2 Down FREE
03.07.2009 Poša (VT) Kultúrny dom Velvet Stone, Čo koho do toho 1 €
20.06.2009 Sačurov (VT) Šport klub Contempt, Proglas, Sacred God 2 €
20.12.2008 Sačurov (VT) Šport klub Sacred God, Astarot, St. Black 2 €
21.11.2008 Vranov n/T CVČ Coolaction, Velvet Stone, CORVUS 40 Sk



Bio a historie

.: Only One :.


I´m feeling you flowing in my veins

it is something I can´t deny

I´m thinking about you right in my mind

I hope you´ll always be only mine


Please just tell me you´re not fake

please just tell me it´s not dream

I will always try to make

everything that I could see


Right in your eyes, won´t let you fall

I can´t do this


Ref:  Be my only oneeee

        so we can fly into the sun and follow all the light ahead

        Help me to understand

        you´re the one

        just hold my hand

        believe me, all the words I said


I´ll never gonna leave you down

I´ll always gonna find the way

That you´ll stay always in my mind


You are standing happy holding my hand

but you´ve never realized

that I am just another horny fucker

and all the words I said are only lies


Why are you so blind to see

This  is not reality

Why are you so blind to feel

All my feelings are not real


Have no problem to watch you fall

I can do this



You are walking to me

But its over

You are walking to me

But its over




You can not see that I want to be

just man that needs to abuse your soul

You can not see that I want to be

just man that needs to have all control


.: General depression :.





you´re living in this world so saintly

but you never fucking realized

this place is full of sin so finally

just open your eyes and try


to break the frontier of your blindness

everything is so damn cold

everyone has a problem

everything dies


be a part of fashion....general depresion...

cut your vains and hang your throat

wanna leave this fucking world


insanity is all around


everything is bad...everything is sad...

look at me

this life is so mad


insanity is all around


Ref: I am standing here, I have tried to, became

one that will survive, one whos  gonna say a prayer

for you all......


I´m feeling their black eyes on my skin

they are standing looking at me

all of the people of this society

are causing my badest dreams


give me a minute and I´ll show you the garbage

made by me and you and everyone else

everything has a problem

everyone dies





Hate, sickness, lies, death, descent !!


if you think that youre not weak so prove it

to this society

if you think that youre not weak so prove it

be one of kind and smile

in this descent

.: DustFeaR - To Forget :.


So, you already made it

so, you´re finally prepared

please just pack your things and feelings

and go outside my head


Trying to forget places

where we made our moves

I hope that I won´t remember faces

of you and me when you made your abuse


Go away now, go away now, take your lies

take your lies

Nobody wants you, nobody likes you, help me find

help me find

the way to erase this part of life

the way to erase this side of mind


Want to erase the past and

start to live on my own

a life without your lies and cheatings

and you´re not there anymore


Never want to see you

I want you to disappear

Never want to feel you, darling

Never want to feel again the fear


Go away now, go away now, take your lies

take your lies

Nobody likes you, nobody wants you, help me find

help me find

the way to erase this part of life

the way to erase this side of mind


You always let me down, always let me down



Go away now, go away now, take your lies

take your lies

Nobody likes you, nobody wants you, help me find

help me find

the way to erase this part of life

the way to erase this side of mind