Einleitungszeit tento rok 2008 plánuje tour po Europe
Einleitungszeit tento rok 2008 plánuje tour po Europe
Nove album Einleitungszeit s nazvem DIE INFEKTION DER GEBURT obsahuje 10 tracku o celkove stopazi 68 minut.
Zachycuje velice intenzivni material,operujici s industrialnimi amplitudami pulzniho hluku a subliminalnimi vibracemi
dunive halucinativniho ambientu. Svymi dramaticky kontrastnimi strukturami & experimentalni praci se zvukem mohou
kompozice na tomto albu evokovat nektere postupy zname spise z oblasti avantgardni vazne hudby.Oproti predchozimu titulu
je album specificke barvitou zvukovou texturou & psychoaktivni atmosferou klinickeho leitmotivu.Zatim nejkomplexnejsi
dilo Einleitungszeit bude distribuovano v exkluzivnim cerno-stribrnem digipacku
The new Einleitungszeit album named „DIE INFEKTION DER GEBURT" consists of 10 tracks with overall length of 68 minutes. This album frames very vivid material operating with industrial amplitudes of pulse noise and subliminal vibrations of thundering "hallucinatory ambient". With its dramatically contrast structures and experimental sound work, the compositions on this album may rather evocate the sense of an avant-garde classical music piece. In contrast to their prior work, this Einleitungszeit album is specific with colourful sound texture and psychoactive atmosphere of "clinical leitmotiv". As this is so far the most complex Einleitungszeit work, the album will be distributed in black-silver digipack