Ellenséges Gombóc - Cavolo cannibalistico (Cannibalistic Cabbage
Oficiální videoklip
Vznik: 10.12.2017
In order to survive sometimes you have to do some extreme things. That of course is not the case of Cavolo which has goals of his own and those are to conquer. But don’t forget if he’s hungry and feeds literally on his enemies (sometimes even entire families). But with John Broccoli being occupied with the gopniks we can’t risk escalating this issue and therefore we will not engage Cavolo for now.Entering the Cavolo district is highly dangerous and not advised.
Potato Bureau
I’m bloodthirsty cabbage
I’ll feed on your meat
I don’t care what you do
I just want to see you bleed
Worms falling from brain
Speaks for my behavior
Yes I am mentally insane
Dictating what will be done wearing coat of a Traitor
Rotten leaves will make you slip
There is no hiding neither running away
You die or accept our membership
Pathetic losers, You all are nothing and so Figing weak
Worthless, pathetic, all worth nothing, all so weak
Worthless, pathetic, you all are so figging weak,
Worthless, pathetic, all worth nothing, all so weak
Worthless, pathetic, you all are so figging weak
Come to me my fellow culinary members
I’ll enslave you, exactly as I did with your fathers
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Follow Awocado Clan on: https://www.facebook.com/ellensegesgo...
Feel free to listen to "666 unwillingly given figs" at http://bandzone.cz/ellensegesgomboc
or download it at https://ellensgesgombc.bandcamp.com
Recording, edit and pre-mix - United Cowdom
Mix, master - M2 studio
Art - Milan Mátl