Poblúznení umelou ideou,
o dosiahnutí večného svetla.
Neutíchajúca falošná mienka,
dozrela k predurčenej prehre.
Vy ste tí poctení,
pred svetlom sklonení.
Za cenu slobody,
ste viacej stiesnení.
Ľahostajní a zmetení,
slabí a stratení.
Žiarou zaslepení,
o psyché ukrátení.
Stiahli ste nás so sebou,
s nevedomým zámerom.
Nedochádza vám,
že ste len lacným nástrojom.
Stali ste sa prázdnymi.
Nechcem mať nič s vašimi
túžbami slepými,
ideálmi mŕtvymi.
The Harvest
wind blew,
pleasant silence
while grew,
unknown defiance
discovery the secret power
warming the sky and rising the mysterious flower
predestined for self-destruction
before licking the clouds
harvesting the last hope
that could change all
last crop before the storm
and before the end of light
could prevent the swarm, balance may fall
and rise the power of new form
Embrace of Chaos
become a convinced, to acquiring courage
for initiation the path and without chance of return
pathway that leads, straight in to depths
where blackness creates melodies of death
paralysis of awareness or hiding the truth?
seeking the answers in a grains of dust
eternal slaves of time, serve under rods
who swallow the lies, of gods - ungods
ut redigatur
aut omnino perdidit
in perpetuum
wandering in time, is only an illusion
the infinity was limited, arises end
thoughts beyond the range
symptoms of cold are more distinct
loss of control, over fear
that feeling of inner grief
and endless torture of a soul
slain by time and span
indomitable ride through black hole
mortem in aeternum
mortem in aeternum
Quidquid agis