Jakub Ursiny - Info | Bandzone.cz
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Jakub Ursiny Muž, 47 let / Bratislava

Playlist je prázdný :(

Fanoušek Jakub Ursiny si do osobního playlistu zatím nepřidal žádné skladby.

Oblíbené kapely: 0

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Přátelé: 0

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Info o fanouškovi

Jakub Ursiny was born in 1977 in Bratislava as a son of famous singer and composer Dezider Ursiny. Since 6 he studied classical piano with prof. Magda Dóšová. In the age of 11 he built his first band and started writing his first compositions. By the time he played with various garage bands and with Mirko Veselko (surrealistic painter) he built the band Teatro Fatal. Among the time he recorded with Roman Mezej and Ľuboš Párnický project Deo (2008) www.myspace.com/triodeo. After they split he built a new formation with classical instruments line-uo under the previous mark Teatro Fatal. With this quintet in january 2010 they recorded first solo album in Empírove divadlo (Hlohovec) - the first theatre building (built in 1804) in Slovakia with great acoustic conditions. In 2009 he also composed scenic music for Fleischrei theatre (Henry Muller play Traum text) in Wiena which was directed by Katarína Csanyiová and the music was performed live.

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