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Nikush Žena, 32 let / Levice

Skladby v přehrávači

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  • vlivem - 6. Mezitím zhasnu- Šílenství (2015)
  • vlivem - 8. Luison- Šílenství (2015)
  • vlivem - 5. Takhle se mládne- Šílenství (2015)
  • vlivem - 4. Od klobás víla- Šílenství (2015)
  • vlivem - 5. Takhle se mládne- Šílenství (2015)
  • vlivem - 3. Tam se to skrývalo- Šílenství (2015)
  • vlivem - 2. Balada- Šílenství (2015)

Playlist je prázdný :(

Fanoušek Nikush si do osobního playlistu zatím nepřidal žádné skladby.

Info o fanouškovi

I'm your life
I'm the one who takes you there
I'm your life
I'm the one who cares
They betray
I'm your only true friend now
They'll betray
I'm forever there

I'm your dream, make you real
I'm your eyes when you must steal
I'm your pain when you can't feel
Sad but true
I'm your dream, mind astray
I'm your eyes while you're away
I'm your pain while you repay
You know it's sad but true
Sad but true

You're my mask
You're my cover, my shelter
You're my mask
You're the one who's blamed
Do my work
Do my dirty work, scapegoat
Do my deeds
For you're the one who's shamed

I'm your hate
I'm your eyes
I'm your pain
You know it's sad but true

I'm your hate
I'm your hate when you want love
Pay the price
Pay, for nothing's fair
I'm your life
I'm the one who took you there
I'm your life
And I no longer care

I'm your dream, make you real
I'm your eyes when you must steal
I'm your pain when you can't feel
Sad but true
I'm your truth, telling lies
I'm your reason alibis
I'm inside open your eyes
I'm you
Sad but true

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