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trollour Muž, 37 let / Wavre

Playlist je prázdný :(

Fanoušek trollour si do osobního playlistu zatím nepřidal žádné skladby.

Oblíbené kapely: 1

Přátelé: 1

Statistika profilu

Návštěv dnes
Návštěv celkem
Profil registrován

Info o fanouškovi

Hello Warriors!!!

I'm Thomas (a.k.a. Trollour).
I'm educator.
I work in "Arche" with people with disabilities.
Born in Belgium (Brussels) under the snow of 10th February.

It must be said!

I speak French... I try English!
Sorry if it's still "primary".
I'm sure, when I'll read you, I'll improve me.
But I'm not yet ready for a long & real conversation.
My accent sucks. (smell like a french accent). ^^

So... Let's go!

I'm keyboard player since 1993 (academy) and I created the folk metal band "Aktarum" in 2005 with David (TrollAklass).

I'm management, booking, and more for my band.
No label, just auto-production, 100% "I looking for...I find!"

I think the metal is only through communication (internet, not through the media).
I hope to make this place a place to meeting for metalheads, where we'll share our experiences and ideas.
A place where you're not bored with the identifications of our ugly face and dozens of fucking invitations to groups unnecessary...


I use & abuse:

- "Korg Triton Classic" -> after 4 years "Korg Triton Extrême"
- "Korg M3"
- "Keytar Roland AX7"

Rock'n'Troll baby!!

Kontakty a odkazy

Kapely, kterých jsem členem

Nástrojové obsazení: Growl, Piano, klavír