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Zuzana Vintrová Žena, 12 let / Kladno

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Info o fanouškovi

Music by Suzanne Winter

My last "performance" was:

Kavárna Souterrain, Praha 2     1.9.2012  Načatý večer
XT3, Prague-Žižkov  Tue 24.8.  Zuzana´s concert 

(  Music from my perspective )

I am an author of my poems - the lyrics and I also play the guitar and sing. If there is
a harmony and feeling that hits your head and heart, there´s present for both
- you and me.

I still feel like doing music that has brought following artists:
Neil Young, Patti Smith, Joan Baez, Alanis Morissette, Pretenders,  Hole, Linda Perry,
Skunk Anansie. Mainly those have left a real continous symptom on me. I can feel more or less the same spirit in my own interpretation.



- tribute project of Dan Šustr and Suzanne Winter

        ...One good thing of the winter 2013... I´ve met a great singer and guitarist Dan Šustr, leader of 2Wings, Tichá Dohoda. We´ve founded a new project, based on our common music taste and the songs we both like to listen. We are voice duo, sing and play accoustic guitars while doing interesting coverversions of our favourite interprets such are Oasis, Neil Young, The Smiths.


(!There are several shows planning on spring!)

Chilyruch music and fun
I would like to invite you to the web www.chilyruch.cz  music and fun. You can find here very profesional photos of your favourite bands and interpreters. I cooperate there with photoghraphers like a team and making reports, critics, articles from the shows and music festivals.
I was a member of the project Wages of Sin. I still feel like doing music that Eric Kurach iniciated. Listen to it up on this page. I think Eric can use it for a soundtrack to the film or video. It is good piece of work.

Zuzana Vintrova

I was playing in 2010:

24.4.2010 in Dundee Jam
 Kladno; guest of Rubiano funk-rock         www.bandzone.cz/rubiano

My recomms:
I realy appreciate Skunk Anansie. The band remade songs. Etc. an elderly song
I Can Dream http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNDBc0XNGs4
You´ll Follow Me Down http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sicT-Vq5eWs&feature=channel
Yes and my dear friends Rubiano http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4F7SxKj9pYA

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