Forget Your Enemies - O kapele |

Forget Your Enemies metalcore / Praha

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Sleepless Nights
    Charred Walls
  • Meridians 2.0
    Charred Walls
  • Kingdom Hearts
    Charred Walls
  • Renew Our Faith
    Charred Walls
  • When There's Nothing Left To Say (EP Failures Feed the Fears - 2
  • Survivor (EP Failures Feed the Fears - 2013)
  • Penguins Can't Fly (Get Over It) (EP Failures Feed the Fears - 2
  • Follow Your Past (EP Failures Feed the Fears - 2013)
  • The World We Live In (EP Failures Feed the Fears - 2013)
  • I'd Rather Dance Alone (EP - Bonus Party Song)

Členové skupiny

Nástrojové obsazení: Kytara, Doprovodný zpěv
Nástrojové obsazení: Growl, Scream
Nástrojové obsazení: Baskytara, Doprovodný zpěv

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Dodatečné info


Jsme mladá kapela z Prahy, která ve své tvorbě kombinuje metal, metalcore a deathcore s prvky symfonickými a sem tam elektronickými.


Vocals – Andy

1st Guitar – Majkl

2nd Guitar – SOON

Bass – Libron

Drums – ???



Youtube Video _Bin7sP7sFwYoutube Video _Bin7sP7sFw

Remember your actions
Remember your deeds
All pleasure comes back
All failures feed the fears

Life on the edge, I‘m looking back
Convictions fall on stack
Life on the edge, I‘m looking back
Convictions fall on stack

I always thought, I wont regret
I always thought, I‘ll die in peace
I always thought, I‘ll have a quiet death
I always thought, I‘ll be released
I always thought, I wont regret
I always thought, I‘ll die in peace
I always thought, I‘ll have a quiet death
I always thought, I‘ll be released


Yeah I know, everyone has what they deserve
Their own worth
Yeah I know, everyone has what they deserve
Their own worth

 I wont regret!, I‘ll die in peace!
(in peace)
My past is what I have to repeat!

I wont regret!, I‘ll be released
Experiences are becoming complete!

This time, You have to look back
This time, You have to look back

I always thought, I wont regret
I always thought, I‘ll die in peace
I always thought, I‘ll have a quiet death
I always thought, I‘ll be released
I always thought, I wont regret
I always thought, I‘ll die in peace
I always thought, I‘ll have a quiet death
I always thought, I‘ll be released

Yeah I know, everyone has what they deserve
Their own worth
Yeah I know, everyone has what they deserve
Their own worth

Just remember one simple thing
Sins are the deeds
Just remember one simple thing
Sins are the deeds
U shouldn‘t repeat!!!



We are
Stucked in the world
Where the ignorance is bliss
Stucked in the moment
When we fall into abyss
Surrounded by zombies
Without the brain
Noone can help ya
Noone's feeling your pain
They talk about freedom
But what is really free
We are the victims of society 

Everything's fine
Nothing is wrong
They're lying to your face
You just need to stay strong

The world we live in
is full of misery and hate
the darkness surrounds us

And they tell you
How to feel
What to love
And now you're better person
To be conformal
Is a pretty thing
You are smiling
But you're not happy inside 

Walking in circles
Poker faces
This is the inception of the end
No looking back
Forget about them
Forget about those you left behind

The world we live in
is full of misery and hate
the darkness surrounds us



Youtube Video zZsmMExqp5cYoutube Video zZsmMExqp5c

She said to me lets go to club
I answered: are you fuckin' mad!?
I invited you to circle pit
and you thought  I was a such a dick

So get out so get far
wild things will happen here
So get out so get far 
animals came alive

Now I want fuckin' dance run in pit 
stay inside!
Now I want fuckin' dance run in pit 
mosh as fuck!

Now I want fuckin' dance run in pit 
stay inside!
Now I want fuckin' dance run in pit 
mosh as fuck!

She said to me lets go home
I'll fix your bones on my own!
I'll prepare you for the next show
You'll mosh like I have never known

So get out so get far
wild things will happen here
So get out so get far 
animals came alive

Now I want fuckin' dance run in pit 
stay inside!
Now I want fuckin' dance run in pit 
mosh as fuck!

Now I want fuckin' dance run in pit 
stay inside!
Now I want fuckin' dance run in pit 
mosh as fuck! 

Mosh as fuck!

Run in pit!

Stay inside!

Animals came alive!

Now I want fuckin' dance run in pit 
stay inside!
Now I want fuckin' dance run in pit 
mosh as fuck!

Now I want fuckin' dance run in pit 
stay inside!
Now I want fuckin' dance run in pit 
mosh as fuck!


Bio a historie

Milé děti, to bylo tak.
Jednoho dne si Majkláč řekl, že by rád založil v Praze kapelu, kde by mohl rozvít své skladatelské choutky naplno. Hledal převelice dlouho, až si řekl, že by mohl udělat facebookovou událost a sehnat nějaké muzikanty, kteří by s ním chtěli hrát. Našel dvojici Matty & Ondra, kteří se též snažili rozjet nějaký ten projekt a slovo dalo slovo. Následně se Majkláčovi ozval kytarista Filip a už chyběla jen rytmická sekce. Tu obstaral neskutečně talentovaný Nèro, nad jehož bubenickým umem zůstával klukům rozum stát.
Problém však byl v obsazení postu baskytaristy, protože Tomáš, který s námi chtěl původně hrát, nakonec neměl na kapelu moc času. Míša, který se nám následně přihlásil, bohužel měl času ještě méně, a tak se postu baskytaristy s doprovodnými vokály chopil do té doby jeden z frontmanů Matty. Bohužel ale ani tato sestava moc dlouho nevydržela a   kapelu čekalo "zaučování" nových členů. Basy se chopil Libor a za mikrofon šel řvát Andy.
Následně však odešel i bubeník Nero a nějakou dobu se hledala ta správná náhrada. Tu kluci našli v podobě Filipa V. a tak už konečně můžou vylézt ven mezi lidi. 
Bohužel ale ani Filip nevydržel v kapele dlouho. A tak s novým bubeníkem makají na novým EP, které by snad mělo být hotovo do konce roku 2013.